Odblask czerwieni

Okładka książki Odblask czerwieni
Jeri Smith-Ready Wydawnictwo: Amber Cykl: Odcień Fioletu (tom 2) fantasy, science fiction
301 str. 5 godz. 1 min.
fantasy, science fiction
Odcień Fioletu (tom 2)
Tytuł oryginału:
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Czas czytania
5 godz. 1 min.
Ewa Ratajczyk
paranormal romance
Średnia ocen

                7,1 7,1 / 10

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Średnia ocen
7,1 / 10
253 ocen
Twoja ocena
0 / 10



Na półkach: , , ,

Świetna książka! Nawet momentami łezka mi się w oczku zakręciła;)
Polecam i czekam z niecierpliwością na trzecią część.

A to jest tekst piosenki Logana którą napisał dla Aury "Forever"

by Logan Keeley
October 18, 20xx

Lying beside me in the failure of flesh,
You wait for the words that will let your mind rest,
But I’ve already left you—I’m inside this song,
I’m chasing the rhythms that split right from wrong,
Forming chords on your shoulder, tracing notes on your hips,
I can’t hear your thoughts as they fall from your lips, and

Every day I give away
A piece of me all torn and frayed—
What I can’t keep, I sell for cheap,
Til nothing’s left for you and me—

How can so much love feel like nothing at all?
How can so much nothing leave me dying to crawl
To the foot of your bed,
I should be with you—instead,
I walk away, stumbling, waiting, always waiting to fall.

When you look in my eyes, can you see I’m not there,
Just skin over bones and this flesh that I bear,
And there’s no room for you, and you know I can never
Get out of myself, get over myself,
For even one moment, much less for forever.

They all take their shares and they all think they see
This stranger inside who pretends to be me.
They’re a roomful of mirrors in this funhouse of fame,
I shrink and I grow, I am wild, I am tame,
But when I stand before you, I can pause, I can heal,
Because you make me matter—you make me real.

Every day they took away
A piece of me all torn and frayed—
What I couldn’t keep, I sold for cheap,
So now what’s left for you and me?

How can so much love feel like nothing at all?
How can so much nothing leave me dying to crawl
To the foot of your bed,
I should be with you—instead,
I walk away, stumbling, waiting, always waiting to fall.

So I close my eyes, fill my hands with your hair,
It’s your skin and your bones and your flesh that I bear,
If I could be part of you, if we could come together
I could find myself, I could lose myself,
Just for one moment, or maybe forever.

They always say that nothing lasts forever
Well, can this nothing last forever

When you look in my eyes, and this time I’m there,
More than skin over bones and this flesh that we bare,
When I’m getting worse, when you make me better,
We’ll find ourselves, we’ll lose ourselves,
We’ll take this one moment…and make it forever.


Świetna książka! Nawet momentami łezka mi się w oczku zakręciła;)
Polecam i czekam z niecierpliwością na trzecią część.

A to jest tekst piosenki Logana którą napisał dla Aury "Forever"

by Logan Keeley
October 18, 20xx

Lying beside me in the failure of flesh,
You wait for the words that will let your mind rest,
But I’ve already left you—I’m inside this...

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Książka na półkach

  • Chcę przeczytać
  • Przeczytane
  • Posiadam
  • Ulubione
  • Fantasy
  • Teraz czytam
  • Fantastyka
  • Chcę w prezencie
  • Biblioteka
  • Z biblioteki


Jeri Smith-Ready Odblask czerwieni Zobacz więcej
Jeri Smith-Ready Odblask czerwieni Zobacz więcej

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