They are liars

Okładka książki They are liars Sarah A. Denzil
Okładka książki They are liars
Sarah A. Denzil Wydawnictwo: Sarah A. Denzil kryminał, sensacja, thriller
109 str. 1 godz. 49 min.
kryminał, sensacja, thriller
Tytuł oryginału:
They are liars
Sarah A. Denzil
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Czas czytania
1 godz. 49 min.
Średnia ocen

10,0 10,0 / 10

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Średnia ocen
10,0 / 10
1 ocen
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0 / 10



Na półkach: , , , , ,

" [...] Phobias are troubling to a lot of people. [...]"

Thank you, Sarah A. Denzil for the wonderful Christmas gift of your e-book titled "They Are Liars". This is a wonderful, short psychological thriller that kept me in suspense until the last page. I read it in two hours on Boxing Day. I literally couldn't tear myself away from it. Here we have several main characters who have to stay at work after an hour to assign exam dates to all students. It's a private university, so anyone who pays has high expectations. Our heroes have a few hours left to close this topic. Will they survive the unequal fight against time? Our heroes are: Sue - a woman in her fifties. She doesn't like her colleagues very much. She could retire early. However, because of her son, she has to continue working. She has a certain phobia. You will get to know her by reading this novel. Helen - It's safe to say she doesn't like cleaning up after herself. She makes fun of her co-workers with her manager. She hides a secret from others. Martin is the head of a stout department. Deadlines burn in his hand. He is forty-two years old. Is he liked at work? What type of person is he? It's worth having a closer look at it. Krish is Indian. I love eating my traditional national dishes. However, not everyone likes it. He is of a similar age to Martin. Penny is the most mysterious character. She is the youngest of the heroines. She is slightly thicker, which not everyone likes. She becomes the object of ridicule in an online conversation. She is hard-working and knows how to solve problems. What happens when one of the five loses their lives at work? Will it be suicide, murder, or maybe an unfortunate accident? Who is lying here, and who is telling the truth? A brilliant work that gives you chills. I found a lot of twists and turns here. The ending is amazing. I wonder if the author will write a continuation of this story. If you like unpredictable stories with a dead body in the background, you've come to the right place. You won't be bored with the book "They are liars". I'm delighted with it, and you? I recommend all of Sarah A. Denzil's works.

" [...] Phobias are troubling to a lot of people. [...]"

Thank you, Sarah A. Denzil for the wonderful Christmas gift of your e-book titled "They Are Liars". This is a wonderful, short psychological thriller that kept me in suspense until the last page. I read it in two hours on Boxing Day. I literally couldn't tear myself away from it. Here we have several main characters...

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Sarah A. Denzil They are liars Zobacz więcej
Sarah A. Denzil They are liars Zobacz więcej
Sarah A. Denzil They are liars Zobacz więcej

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