Inheritance. Landscape of Love

Okładka książki Inheritance. Landscape of Love Philip Tyler
Okładka książki Inheritance. Landscape of Love
Philip Tyler Wydawnictwo: Pickhill Publishing Cykl: Landscapes of Love (tom 3) literatura obyczajowa, romans
374 str. 6 godz. 14 min.
literatura obyczajowa, romans
Landscapes of Love (tom 3)
Tytuł oryginału:
Inheritance. Landscapes of Love
Pickhill Publishing
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6 godz. 14 min.
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10,0 10,0 / 10

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10,0 / 10
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" [...] I have read about these crossings many times but to see the reality of this primeval drive to get food is mesmerising and hypnotic [...]"

"Inheritance" is the third and, unfortunately, last part of the amazing "Landscapes of Love" trilogy created by Philip Tyler. I received a lot of unique emotions here. I honestly admit that I cried a lot while reading this novel. Here I dealt with poachers, smugglers and traders. I liked the morals of the main characters. I experienced everything with them. I would like to thank the author for these beautiful descriptions of landscapes and animals found, among others, in Africa. Just like the main characters of this book, we should fight poaching. What will happen when barbaric poachers shoot the last animal? I'm glad Philip Tyler brought attention to this difficult topic. Billionaires and millionaires fly specifically to Africa to take an active part in hunting. Then they take photos with their victims. Isn't this barbaric? They should be severely punished for something like this. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. I will miss Charlie, Daniel and Anne Marie very much. I became attached to these characters. Charlie will really go through a lot in this part. I wouldn't want to be in her place. I joined her in pain. I didn't understand the author who created such a cruel life for her. And she's such a wonderful woman. She didn't deserve what happened to her. Oh, no, Mr. Author. Daniel has his hands full. Among other things, he must track down poachers who murder gorillas and kidnap their children. Will the baby gorillas be found alive? Who cared about them? In addition, Daniel has to face personal problems. It's worth getting to know this hero. His character reminds me of James Bond. Anne Marie is a close friend of Charlie and Daniel. She always tries to help them. She has her own horses and a herd of sheep. Her character amazes me in this part. She will be the perfect friend. Does such a person deserve love? She is in love with a certain woman. Will she be able to confess her feelings? Or will the two ladies play a game of cat and mouse? I already know the answer to this question. You will get to know her while reading this book. I am very glad that I could participate in so many (sometimes dangerous) adventures together with the main characters. I fought for the good of nature. I pursued the guilty. I was very worried about the little gorilla Didi. Will Daniel and his team find her? Who will be your true friend, and who will be your worst enemy? Where there is huge money, there are also huge problems. Danger lurks at every step. I am satisfied with this entire trilogy. I witnessed the emerging love between the characters. Will their feelings survive? Will there be a happy ending? Of course, I won't tell you that. You will have to discover this sweet secret for yourself. "Inheritance" is a very quick read. This novel draws you into its whirlwind from the very first page. We travel with the characters through different countries and continents. I would love to see this trilogy on the big screen. Remember, take care of nature and animals. If we forget about this, one day we too will become extinct. The author drew attention to one more important, painful and dangerous issue, but you have to see for yourself. I guarantee there will be tears.

" [...] I have read about these crossings many times but to see the reality of this primeval drive to get food is mesmerising and hypnotic [...]"

"Inheritance" is the third and, unfortunately, last part of the amazing "Landscapes of Love" trilogy created by Philip Tyler. I received a lot of unique emotions here. I honestly admit that I cried a lot while reading this novel....

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Philip Tyler Inheritance. Landscape of Love Zobacz więcej
Philip Tyler Inheritance. Landscape of Love Zobacz więcej
Philip Tyler Inheritance. Landscape of Love Zobacz więcej

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