Hey, mister Marshall

Okładka książki Hey, mister Marshall Saffron A. Kent
Okładka książki Hey, mister Marshall
Saffron A. Kent Wydawnictwo: Saffron A. Kent Cykl: St. Mary’s Rebels (tom 4) literatura obyczajowa, romans
638 str. 10 godz. 38 min.
literatura obyczajowa, romans
St. Mary’s Rebels (tom 4)
Tytuł oryginału:
Hey, mister Marshall
Saffron A. Kent
Data wydania:
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Czas czytania
10 godz. 38 min.
Średnia ocen

10,0 10,0 / 10

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Średnia ocen
10,0 / 10
1 ocen
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0 / 10



Na półkach:

Every time I review her books, I write about my absolute love for Saffron A. Kent. As a writer, I adore her style and I'm amazed that her books aren't more widely available and sought after in Poland. Yes, I know the romance genre is overflowing—I write romance novels myself. Yet, in the river of literature, where beautiful fish swim alongside tadpoles, it continues to astonish me that writing something wonderful isn't enough; it also takes a great deal of luck for an author to be discovered. I consider myself fortunate to have discovered Saffron, and now I preorder every one of her books, confident in their quality. I eagerly awaited "Hey, Mister Marshall," especially after the brief mentions of Poe's disdain for him hinted at a future romance. The novel did not disappoint. The characters are intricately crafted—Poe's neurotic extroversion in interactions with Marshall contrasts sharply with his introversion, as he hides from the world. Although Marshall's trauma is only lightly touched upon (the book would need more than one volume if fully explored),his character is convincingly portrayed, and his motives for fleeing from his feelings are clear. It's a beautiful story about finding one's other half, how each of us, no matter how twisted, can find a complementary twist in someone else and finally breathe a sigh of relief. Congratulations.

Every time I review her books, I write about my absolute love for Saffron A. Kent. As a writer, I adore her style and I'm amazed that her books aren't more widely available and sought after in Poland. Yes, I know the romance genre is overflowing—I write romance novels myself. Yet, in the river of literature, where beautiful fish swim alongside tadpoles, it continues to...

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