The wedding day

Okładka książki The wedding day Sue Watson
Okładka książki The wedding day
Sue Watson Wydawnictwo: Bookouture kryminał, sensacja, thriller
309 str. 5 godz. 9 min.
kryminał, sensacja, thriller
Tytuł oryginału:
The wedding day
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5 godz. 9 min.
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8,0 8,0 / 10

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Średnia ocen
8,0 / 10
2 ocen
Twoja ocena
0 / 10



Na półkach: , , , ,

Alice is a woman who has failed everything.

 She failed to be a mother, wife and sister. Her career didn't work out either. She was obsessed with having a baby. She couldn't get pregnant. Medicine didn't help her either. She was fixated on pregnancy.

 She is currently divorced. She has post-traumatic stress disorder. Unfortunately, she is an alcoholic and has a sentence hanging over her. She panicked when she saw her ex-husband's new partner. Why? The woman is pregnant. I was worried about our Alice. I didn't know what to do in this situation. She really wanted children. And here she saw that in some time her husband would have a child. I was horrified.

 The main character escaped from justice in Corfu. There she met Nik Kouris.

 Heather, Alice's sister, is terrified of her leaving alone. She is worried that her sister will be kidnapped. Perfect for profile other missing women.

 Our heroine met Sylvie on the island. What will come of it?

 Will it be good for her to run away from Britain? Will the police pursue her?

 "The wedding day" is a very good psychological thriller. I found lots of twists and turns here. Honestly, I didn't expect them. I was shocked to learn the whole story. The heroine fell into quite a swamp. Will she open her eyes? Or will it be too late for her?

 Author Sue Watson keeps us in suspense perfectly. It doesn't let us breathe for a moment.

 I like the whole plot of the book. Alice is deeply scarred by life. She desperately wanted to get pregnant, but she couldn't. She watched the profile of her husband and his new partner. And she was breaking down more and more. When she saw them in the store, there was an unpleasant and even tragic incident, after which she left the country.

 The author touched on very important topics here, including the insistence of having a child and what can happen to a woman who goes to an exotic country alone.

 The desire to start all over again can lead to a tragic downfall.

 Meet Alice and her fight for a better tomorrow.

 Will the new people they meet turn out to be true friends? Will they open their hearts to her? Find out in the book The Wedding Day.

 Very good action. There are good and very bad characters here. You will find human chameleons here. Will you discover in time who is good and who is evil?

 I wholeheartedly recommend Sue Watson's latest novel.

Alice is a woman who has failed everything.

 She failed to be a mother, wife and sister. Her career didn't work out either. She was obsessed with having a baby. She couldn't get pregnant. Medicine didn't help her either. She was fixated on pregnancy.

 She is currently divorced. She has post-traumatic stress disorder. Unfortunately, she is an alcoholic and has a sentence...

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