Okładka książki 2034 Bruno Beaches
Okładka książki 2034
Bruno Beaches Wydawnictwo: Austin Macauley Publishers fantasy, science fiction
224 str. 3 godz. 44 min.
fantasy, science fiction
Tytuł oryginału:
Austin Macauley Publishers
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Czas czytania
3 godz. 44 min.
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10,0 10,0 / 10

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Średnia ocen
10,0 / 10
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0 / 10



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"[...] Towards the end of 2023 microchip injection were mandated for every man, woman and child. This was essential in order to facilitate the new, integrated, digital age. [...]"

The book "2034" by Bruno Beaches is one of the better post-apocalyptic stories that I read in 2023. We have an interesting plot, good action and disarming characters. Can you imagine a chipped world? What do you think it would look like? I was very curious how the author presented it. I am terrified by his vision. Who knows, maybe it will come true. First, vaccinations were mandatory. Of course, not everyone gave in to this. You can read about what these vaccines did to women in this book. It was terrifying. People who did not undergo vaccinations began to be called Rebels and their options were severely limited. I must add that the world before and after vaccinations was no longer the same. It was a real apocalypse. Then, in 2023, microchipping took place, which allowed the authorities to control their citizens. Of course, the Rebel group did not allow them to be implanted. They created their own camp (commune) where men, women and about 60 children lived together. How did they cope in life? How did they get food? You will find out while reading "2034". I liked some of the characters. Some of the characters intrigued me greatly. Would you give up your prosperity and regress civilizationally just to not get vaccinated? Would you rather get vaccinated to maintain what you have? What about experimental treatments? See what the author himself has to say about it. His vision gives much food for thought. I like Bruno Beaches writing style. I'd love to read his other novels. After this story, I will keep an eye on this author. After learning the ending, I wonder if there will be a sequel to "2034". Does the post-apocalyptic story have a happy ending for the Rebels? I forgot to mention drones. They are very deadly here. You have to be very careful when going outside the safe zone. Was the Great Reconstruction of the World a success? I encourage you to read Bruno Beaches' book "2034". A perfect story suitable for film adaptation. An additional advantage of "2034" is its wonderful cover. Ps. There is no shortage of murders and killings here. Will the Rebel children ever experience the normal world again? Will they live in a commune in an ever-expanding barn for the rest of their lives? I cried while reading "2034". I literally couldn't stop crying. A brilliant story that aroused many emotions in me. If, like me, you like the post-apocalyptic world, be sure to read "2034". The time you spend reading this book will not be wasted.

"[...] Towards the end of 2023 microchip injection were mandated for every man, woman and child. This was essential in order to facilitate the new, integrated, digital age. [...]"

The book "2034" by Bruno Beaches is one of the better post-apocalyptic stories that I read in 2023. We have an interesting plot, good action and disarming characters. Can you imagine a chipped...

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Bruno Beaches 2034 Zobacz więcej
Bruno Beaches 2034 Zobacz więcej
Bruno Beaches 2034 Zobacz więcej

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