Scrabble Babble Rabble

Okładka książki Scrabble Babble Rabble Bruno Beaches
Okładka książki Scrabble Babble Rabble
Bruno Beaches Wydawnictwo: Austin Macauley Publishers pozostałe
262 str. 4 godz. 22 min.
Tytuł oryginału:
Scrabble Babble Rabble
Austin Macauley Publishers
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Czas czytania
4 godz. 22 min.
Średnia ocen

10,0 10,0 / 10

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Średnia ocen
10,0 / 10
1 ocen
Twoja ocena
0 / 10



Na półkach: , , , , ,

[...] Who thought that scrabble-babble could be such a fun game, such a barrel of laughs? [...]

Wow! What a fantastic book. "Scrabble Babble Rabble" by Bruno Beaches is a comedy set in a prison. I met four main characters here who tell their stories while playing Scrabble. Thanks to this, I learned about their previous lives and why they are there. In addition to their past lives, I learned about their current lives. I found out what their everyday life is like. It's fun, but it's also tragic. This book made me laugh and cry. I love books about prison. I'm glad I could read this novel. I met here: Liam - He's a drug addict. How does he deal with his drug addiction? Can you experiment with drugs in prison? This character cannot speak his native language. Kevin  helps Liam learn English. In addition, he practices the English language while playing scrabble with Kevin, Denis and Terry. Kevin's story touched me. However, I believe that he received an appropriate punishment for what he did. Driving under the influence of alcohol is not allowed! Terry - he wasn't a nice teenager. You could say he was a slacker. His eyes were opened only after his father's death. You will get to know Denis yourself. It's worth paying attention to. One more character is noteworthy. I'm talking about Mr. Blanchflower here. He was an English teacher at the university. Now he is retired and teaches a group of prisoners. How does he do it? Are his students quick learners? Thanks to this book, you will see how dangerous life in prison is. Look how easily a person can be destroyed. It's worth reading "Scrabble Babble Rabble" and learning the stories of Liam, Kevin, Denis and Terry. Who knows? Maybe they'll help you avoid prison. This story ends at such a point that I wonder if there will be a sequel. I would like to know the further fate of these heroes. When you pick up this book, you will receive:
- an interesting and original plot that is entertaining and deeply moving
- very good action with the right pace
- heroes who have made a big mess in their lives and are now suffering appropriate punishments for it.
The main themes are: prison, scrabble and interesting stories told by the four main characters.
Are you ready to enter a very dangerous world where dangerous people live? I encourage you to read this novel.

[...] Who thought that scrabble-babble could be such a fun game, such a barrel of laughs? [...]

Wow! What a fantastic book. "Scrabble Babble Rabble" by Bruno Beaches is a comedy set in a prison. I met four main characters here who tell their stories while playing Scrabble. Thanks to this, I learned about their previous lives and why they are there. In addition to their...

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Bruno Beaches Scrabble Babble Rabble Zobacz więcej
Bruno Beaches Scrabble Babble Rabble Zobacz więcej
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