The Fall

Okładka książki The Fall Gilly Macmillan
Okładka książki The Fall
Gilly Macmillan Wydawnictwo: Random House UK kryminał, sensacja, thriller
400 str. 6 godz. 40 min.
kryminał, sensacja, thriller
Tytuł oryginału:
The Fall
Random House UK
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Czas czytania
6 godz. 40 min.
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Średnia ocen
10,0 / 10
3 ocen
Twoja ocena
0 / 10



Na półkach: , , , , ,

One of the main characters is Nicole. She is Tom's wife. They won a lot of money in the National Lottery. Fortune smiled on them.
But can money bring happiness? Are rich people really happy? Do they do everything for show?
Another character is Sasha. She loves yoga.
She has a partner named Olly. They are neighbours of Nicol and Tom.
Another hero is Olly. He has been writing his first book for five years.
There will be a great tragedy. Tom will lose his life. Was it an unfortunate accident, suicide or murder? You will learn all this by reading this book.
Another hero is Detective Hal Steen. His work partner is Jen. They'll be investigating Tom's death. Hal believes that Nicol murdered her husband. Is he right? I like the way this investigation is being conducted. Is he playing the good cop or the bad cop?
We will also meet Kitty. Mrs. Sasha's maid and Mr. Olly. This character knows something, but he can't say it yet. Who's afraid? Is she in danger? She Liked Tom.
Currently, she does not know how to help the desperate Nicole.
Our story is intertwined with Anna's diary.
I was wondering who this mystery girl was.
She goes to Sasha's yoga sessions. She recently lost her husband, so these classes are helping her shake it off. I kept wondering what Sasha was up to.
While reading, I wasn't sure if she was a positive character. She likes rich widows too much. Does she count on their generous donations?
I was terrified reading this book.
Someone is trying to make Nicole hysterical. Will he discover the truth before it's too late?

Tom's friend Patrick annoyed me. He appeared out of nowhere. Was he after Nicola's money? I didn't like the Sasha and Olly couple either. The action is slowly gaining momentum. Everything was becoming clear.
You must read this story. You will find plenty of twists and turns here. The end of the book took me by surprise. I could not stop laughing.
A variety of characters and a great plot meant that I couldn't put this book down.
The Fall book kept me hooked until the very last page.
I recommend this story wholeheartedly.
This book is a good thriller.

One of the main characters is Nicole. She is Tom's wife. They won a lot of money in the National Lottery. Fortune smiled on them.
But can money bring happiness? Are rich people really happy? Do they do everything for show?
Another character is Sasha. She loves yoga.
She has a partner named Olly. They are neighbours of Nicol and Tom.
Another hero is Olly. He has been writing...

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