
Okładka książki Blackwolf Phil Gilvin
Okładka książki Blackwolf
Phil Gilvin Wydawnictwo: Phil Gilvin fantasy, science fiction
408 str. 6 godz. 48 min.
fantasy, science fiction
Tytuł oryginału:
Phil Gilvin
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Czas czytania
6 godz. 48 min.
Średnia ocen

8,0 8,0 / 10

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Średnia ocen
8,0 / 10
1 ocen
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0 / 10



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" [...] This is how it works: people are always gonna screw you; they’re always gonna let you down, unless they’ve got a reason not to. [...]"

Initially, the book "Blackwolf" by Phil Gilvin did not draw me in, but as I continued reading it got better and better. And I even supported the main character, 16-year-old Clara. Are you curious what a world with lots of climate change and lots of new epidemics looks like? What will the world look like in 2150? Will the author's vision come true? I can honestly tell you that I wouldn't want to live in such a world. Our heroine has gone through a lot in her young life. And there are still a lot of bad things ahead of her. She must free her mother from prison, and there is a long way to go. This will be a dangerous expedition. She will meet various characters along her way. Will everyone wish her well? What is Blackwolf? Clara is a former Sister of Truth. She flees London from the great flood. She had a friend, Jack, from whom she unfortunately separated. She dreams of freeing her mother. But how can she get her out of prison? As I have already written to you, this heroine has many dangerous adventures ahead of her. Is this heroine a Natural or a clone? Jack is also a main character. We get to know the world from his perspective. You will learn about his fate in the book "Blackwolf". Let me just tell you that his life will be in danger. He will join the army of a certain dangerous warrior. What will come of this? Will he ever meet Clara again? The author presented a very apocalyptic world in which you have to fight for your life not only against people, but also against epidemics that decimate societies. Despite the weaker beginning, the author developed his story beautifully. The end of the book kept me in suspense. I really liked the ending. I would love to read other books by this author. Thanks to authors such as Phil Gilvin, I fell in love with the fantasy and science fiction genres. If you like the Post-Apocalyptic theme in books, you've come to the right place. I encourage you to read the book "Blackwolf". While reading this novel, take care of yourself.

" [...] This is how it works: people are always gonna screw you; they’re always gonna let you down, unless they’ve got a reason not to. [...]"

Initially, the book "Blackwolf" by Phil Gilvin did not draw me in, but as I continued reading it got better and better. And I even supported the main character, 16-year-old Clara. Are you curious what a world with lots of climate...

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Phil Gilvin Blackwolf Zobacz więcej
Phil Gilvin Blackwolf Zobacz więcej

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