Everything I Do

Okładka książki Everything I Do M. C. Frank
Okładka książki Everything I Do
M. C. Frank Wydawnictwo: Amazon Digital Services LLC Cykl: Outlaws (tom 1) powieść przygodowa
240 str. 4 godz. 0 min.
powieść przygodowa
Outlaws (tom 1)
Amazon Digital Services LLC
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4 godz. 0 min.
robin hood
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8,0 8,0 / 10

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Średnia ocen
8,0 / 10
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0 / 10



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The legend of Robin Hood - the outlaw living in the Sherwood forest with his merry companions, stealing from the rich to feed the poor - is one of the most famous legends in the world. Since his first appearances in medieval ballads, Robin has been the hero of countless tales, plays, books and movies, and to the present day he keeps inspiring authors all over the world. One of those authors is M.C. Frank - she created an unforgettable retelling of his legend, unlike any other I encountered.

Despite his young age, Robin Hood carries a great weight on his shoulders. Deprived of his title and his family estate, burdened with guilt and responsibility for his people, he made the Sherwood Forest his home, along with a small group of outlaws - his friends, his little family he’d do anything for. Each of them would gladly give their life for Robin, but when the danger comes, it’s not any of his companions who saves him, but a strange young boy named Ru. He joins the outlaws’ camp and for the first time ever he starts to feel free. There’s just one problem: the boy isn’t a boy at all, but a female assassin, trained especially to kill Robin. She’s determined to fulfill her task, but when the assassin falls in love with her victim, it takes much more than an opportunity to take away his life.

I've been a fan of M.C. Frank's work for a long time, so I was certain her newest book will be an emotional adventure - and so it was! Once again she created a gripping, unique story, full of raw emotion and unforgettable characters.

If you're familiar with the Robin Hood legend - as I'm sure you are - you'll recognize most of the characters’ names, like Little John, Will Scarlet, Brother Tuck or Maid Marian, but I've never seen them portrayed with such depth and complexity. They all have their tragic backstories we learn about, but honestly each of them deserves to be a hero of their own book - I'd be happy to read them! And probably crying a lot, but mostly happy ;) One of my favourite things about this novel is how a group of such different people became more than friends - a family. Again it proves to be true that bonds formed in times of distress are the strongest.

The narration alternates between Robin and Ru’s point of view. They’ve both experienced unspeakable cruelty in the past, which left them scarred for life - both physically and mentally, and defined the way they think, feel, and how they see themselves. I think the author did a great job with these characters - even though it was painful to read at times, I loved having an access to their thoughts and emotions, like Robin’s deep care and sacrifice for others while believing he doesn’t deserve to live, or Ru’s internal struggle between her thirst for revenge and feelings she’s not allowed to have.

The characters aren’t only awesome as individuals, but there’s also great dynamics between all of them. They know each other so well (especially Robin and Will),they truly love each other and even when the circumstances are hard, there’s still teasing and laughter between them, and I think it’s beautiful. The relationship between Robin and Ru is a material for another two pages, so let me just tell you: there’s no insta-love in this book, but a delicious, slow-burn romance, the kind that makes you think: “Just kiss already!” and “Don’t kiss, don’t ruin this sweet torture just yet!” at the same time.

I could go on for a long time, so I’ll just shortly sum it up: ‘Everything I Do’ is a captivating, emotional, adventure-packed and beautifully written retelling of Robin Hood’s story. It will keep you on the edge of your seat, make you laugh, cry, sympathize with the characters and wish the second book of the series was already out. Let the most famous robber steal your heart - he surely stole mine!

The legend of Robin Hood - the outlaw living in the Sherwood forest with his merry companions, stealing from the rich to feed the poor - is one of the most famous legends in the world. Since his first appearances in medieval ballads, Robin has been the hero of countless tales, plays, books and movies, and to the present day he keeps inspiring authors all over the world. One...

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