The Book of Here & There

Okładka książki The Book of Here & There Stuart Nisbet
Okładka książki The Book of Here & There
Stuart Nisbet Wydawnictwo: Broomielaw Books literatura piękna
372 str. 6 godz. 12 min.
literatura piękna
Tytuł oryginału:
The Book of Here & There
Broomielaw Books
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Czas czytania
6 godz. 12 min.
Średnia ocen

9,0 9,0 / 10

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Średnia ocen
9,0 / 10
1 ocen
Twoja ocena
0 / 10



Na półkach: , , , , ,

Stuart Nisbet has created a fascinating detective story. Together with two heroes, Jenny from Bristol and Hamish from Glasgow, I embarked on a secret mission started by Hamish's grandfather - Murdo. Where has the boy's grandfather gone? Will they ever see each other again?We research the history of Glasgow. What we discover will not be sweet.
"The Book of Here & There" drew me in from the very beginning. I couldn't stop reading. The characters are very expressive. I like the background of the whole story. The plot of the book is on the right level. Keeps the reader in suspense. The action does not slow down. You will not be bored reading this novel. If you want to know the dark history of Glasgow, be sure to reach for this book.I also met a man named Cato. He was born in Cameroon. I could read his notes. I really enjoyed his descriptions of his childhood and what he did. I was shocked to find out that he had to flee from slavers. He was only 15 then. Did his family survive?
Do our three heroes have anything in common? You will find out while reading.
The author touches on a very important topic: slavery. Do you know how much a slave boy was worth, and how much a disabled girl was worth? Slavery is a very heavy and difficult topic. However, the author was positive. He made this thread interesting.
I recommend this book

Stuart Nisbet has created a fascinating detective story. Together with two heroes, Jenny from Bristol and Hamish from Glasgow, I embarked on a secret mission started by Hamish's grandfather - Murdo. Where has the boy's grandfather gone? Will they ever see each other again?We research the history of Glasgow. What we discover will not be sweet.
"The Book of Here & There" drew...

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