The good mother

Okładka książki The good mother Lizzie Fry
Okładka książki The good mother
Lizzie Fry Wydawnictwo: Joffe Books kryminał, sensacja, thriller
300 str. 5 godz. 0 min.
kryminał, sensacja, thriller
Tytuł oryginału:
The good mother
Joffe Books
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Czas czytania
5 godz. 0 min.
Średnia ocen

9,5 9,5 / 10

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Średnia ocen
9,5 / 10
2 ocen
Twoja ocena
0 / 10



Na półkach: , , , , ,

If you thought everything was going your way, you probably haven't read "The Good Mother" yet. Nothing is what it seems here. I loved the amazing twist. To this day, I can't get over it. When I found out the truth, I was deeply shocked. How could this have happened? Do you believe that if you grow up in an abusive home you will grow up to be abusive adults? Jack grew up in a very bad home. His dad abused him and his mother. The boy saw his mother being beaten by her husband. He wanted to help her and unfortunately he killed his father. He was 8 years old then. What would you do in Natasha's place? Would you tell the truth? 10 years have passed since this event. The boy grew up to be a very violent young man. What he did throughout this story made my heart stop. Unfortunately, his mother is no better. She tries to protect Jack at all costs. I think it's a very toxic relationship. I don't think she can accept the fact that her son is no longer a small child. Will she let Jack go to study in another city? Will Natasha fall in love again? What tragedies will all this lead to? In short, it will be very dangerous, dark, bloody and there will be plenty of murders. "The Good Mother" is a very dark psychological thriller. I couldn't stop reading, so I finished the book last night. Perfect work. Congratulations to the author. She showed the relationship of mother to son and son to mother very well. Sometimes it's hard to let go of your own child and let him live on his own terms. She perfectly showed us what the future of a man who was the child of an abusive father could look like. I sincerely hope that the story in this book was not based on facts. I really liked the surprise ending. It's great that it turned out that way.

Who is the Camden Killer? Do you guess?

#thegoodmother #netgalley #mommy_and_books

If you thought everything was going your way, you probably haven't read "The Good Mother" yet. Nothing is what it seems here. I loved the amazing twist. To this day, I can't get over it. When I found out the truth, I was deeply shocked. How could this have happened? Do you believe that if you grow up in an abusive home you will grow up to be abusive adults? Jack grew...

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