Mother's Day

Okładka książki Mother's Day Abigail Burdess
Okładka książki Mother's Day
Abigail Burdess Wydawnictwo: Headline kryminał, sensacja, thriller
384 str. 6 godz. 24 min.
kryminał, sensacja, thriller
Tytuł oryginału:
Mother's Day
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Czas czytania
6 godz. 24 min.
Netgalley Mothersday
Średnia ocen

9,0 9,0 / 10

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Książki autora

Okładka książki The Eighth of March 2: Protectors of Time Abigail Burdess, Nina Millns, Lizbeth Myles
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Średnia ocen
9,0 / 10
1 ocen
Twoja ocena
0 / 10



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Oh, what a book that was. I met some unbalanced women.
The first is Anna. She has a boyfriend who drinks a lot of alcohol. Our heroine is pregnant. How will her boyfriend react to this? Is he the father of her unborn child? Will she give birth, or will she have an abortion?
Anna was adopted. She was looking for her biological parents. She found her sister and mother. In my opinion, she should never have met them.
Mom - Marlene has a younger lover, Tristan, whom she treats very badly.
It is at her every beck. This character got on my nerves. She cornered poor Anna. I wondered if she wanted her daughter more than the child she was carrying in her womb. A terrifying figure.
Anna's sister - Hebe is also weird. She likes to cut. This gives her endorphins of happiness and relief. There's something wrong with this person. Why is she currently homeless? Why doesn't Marlene (mother) help her?

The beginning of the book shocked me deeply. Tears streamed down my cheeks. Why did this have to happen?
Throughout the book, events related to Anna, Hebe and Marlene intertwine.
I like the pregnancy descriptions at the beginning of each chapter. The plot is amazing. I couldn't stop reading. It got me hooked. The action slowed down at times. By the end of this book, she picked up the pace. There were times when I was terrified. Some scenes made me cringe.
The book keeps you in suspense. I found a lot of emotions here. You will also find interesting plot twists.
I am satisfied with the book "Mother's Day".
I read it in one day.

Oh, what a book that was. I met some unbalanced women.
The first is Anna. She has a boyfriend who drinks a lot of alcohol. Our heroine is pregnant. How will her boyfriend react to this? Is he the father of her unborn child? Will she give birth, or will she have an abortion?
Anna was adopted. She was looking for her biological parents. She found her sister and mother. In...

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