Tar Baby

Okładka książki Tar Baby Toni Morrison
Okładka książki Tar Baby
Toni Morrison Wydawnictwo: Vintage literatura piękna
310 str. 5 godz. 10 min.
literatura piękna
Tytuł oryginału:
Tar Baby
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Czas czytania
5 godz. 10 min.
Średnia ocen

8,0 8,0 / 10

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Średnia ocen
8,0 / 10
1 ocen
Twoja ocena
0 / 10



Na półkach: , ,

“You think you’re above it, above money, the rat race and all that. But you’re not above it, you’re just without it. It’s a prison, poverty is. Look at what its absence made you do: run, hide, steal, lie.”

“There was nothing to forgive, nothing to win and the future was five minutes away.”

“At some point in life the world’s beauty becomes enough. You don’t need to photograph, paint or even remember it. It is enough. No record of it needs to be kept and you don’t need someone to share it with or tell it to. When that happens—that letting go—you let go because you can. The world will always be there—when you wake it will be there as well. So you can sleep and there is reason to wake.”

“He had not known because he had not taken the trouble to know. He was satisfied with what he did know. Knowing more was inconvenient and frightening.”

“Was there anything so loathsome as a willfully innocent man? Hardly.”

“It hurt, and part of the hurt was in having the vision at all—at being the helpless victim of a dream that chose you.”

“[A] girl has got to be a daughter first. She have to learn that. And if she never learns how to be a daughter, she can’t never learn how to be a woman. I mean a real woman: a woman good enough for a child; good enough for a man—good enough even for the respect of other women. (…) You don’t need your own natural mother to be a daughter. All you need is to feel a certain way, a certain careful way about people older than you are. Don’t mistake me now. I don’t mean you have to love all kinds of mean old people[.]”

“Maybe it don’t pay to love nothing.”

“If this ain’t my home, then nothing is but the grave.”

“But soldier ants do not have time for dreaming. They are women and have much to do. Still it would be hard. So very hard to forget the man who fucked like a star.”

“You think you’re above it, above money, the rat race and all that. But you’re not above it, you’re just without it. It’s a prison, poverty is. Look at what its absence made you do: run, hide, steal, lie.”

“There was nothing to forgive, nothing to win and the future was five minutes away.”

“At some point in life the world’s beauty becomes enough. You don’t need to...

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