
The Waterfront Lass

Okładka książki The Waterfront Lass Annemarie Brear
Okładka książki The Waterfront Lass
Annemarie Brear Wydawnictwo: Boldwood Books literatura obyczajowa, romans
literatura obyczajowa, romans
Tytuł oryginału:
The Waterfront Lass
Boldwood Books
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9,0 9,0 / 10

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Średnia ocen
9,0 / 10
1 ocen
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0 / 10



Na półkach: , , , ,

I couldn't watch the head of the family behave. The guy should go to the quarries and work like an ox there. I felt so sorry for Meg, her siblings and their mother. Meg works hard to bring the whole family together. She pays the rent and uses the rest of her money to buy the cheapest, often stale food. She is a very sensible girl. Too bad Frank (father) doesn't appreciate her.
Meg's brother Freddie is almost 19-year-old and found a job.
As usual, his father didn't like it. I'm in shock. This father should be fired. He wants his children to treat him with respect, and he treats them worse than rubbish. Respect has to be earned. Respect doesn't come automatically. Unfortunately, that was the case at the time.

 Frank treats his children like slaves. It hurt me a lot.

 Interesting book. I was drawn to this story. I was curious how it would all work out. Will there be love and mutual respect in this family? What will happen when a certain rich man appears on the horizon, whose heart is set on one of the five sisters?

 I forgot to add that our Meg has seven siblings. It was a large family. They lived in poverty, but she cared deeply for her mother and her sisters and brothers.

 The time and place of action are the 1870s in Wakefield Waterfront in England.

 I didn't like the ending of the book because I cried a lot. I still can't understand what happened there. This should never happen. I regret that very much.

 Of course, the whole story made a huge impression on me. I would love to know more about Meg and her family. I hope the author will surprise me this time.

 If you like fiction, I encourage you to read this story. The author captured those hard times perfectly.

 Through this book, you will find out what the ladies of the upper class thought of the ladies of the lower class. You will see what hatred can lead to.

 I recommend the latest book by AnneMarie Brear called "The Waterfront lass".

I couldn't watch the head of the family behave. The guy should go to the quarries and work like an ox there. I felt so sorry for Meg, her siblings and their mother. Meg works hard to bring the whole family together. She pays the rent and uses the rest of her money to buy the cheapest, often stale food. She is a very sensible girl. Too bad Frank (father) doesn't appreciate...

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