
Rotten Little Devils

Okładka książki Rotten Little Devils Bruno Beaches
Okładka książki Rotten Little Devils
Bruno Beaches Wydawnictwo: Austin Macauley Publishers kryminał, sensacja, thriller
216 str. 3 godz. 36 min.
kryminał, sensacja, thriller
Tytuł oryginału:
Rotten Little Devils
Austin Macauley Publishers
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Czas czytania
3 godz. 36 min.
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10,0 10,0 / 10

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10,0 / 10
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" [...] And also remember that the Dark One hates marriage and families because the Light One instigated them for the propagation of the species, so we must work to undermine them at every opportunity. [...]

Do you like reading that makes you think? If you answered yes, then I have a very good book for you by Bruno Beaches called "Rotten Little Devils". This book made me think a lot about the visible and invisible things in our world. Who really gives us bad thoughts? Who most accuses us of being failures? There is only one answer to these questions. It is the devils who make us do unpleasant things. It is the demons who try to make us commit suicide and murder. The author presented it perfectly in this book. I believe in the existence of devils who constantly fight for our souls day and night. The question is: will we make it easier for them? Or will we rather not give in to them?
Angel Emmanuel wanted to change the front and was on the wrong side. He became a fallen angel. The final straw was the attitude of politicians towards the Churches and people's blind faith in science. His new diabolical name is Quithel. Will he cope with his new reality? Will he be able to act opposite to how he has acted so far? Munter will become his mentor. Thanks to him, you will witness how devils work. In addition to these two, in my opinion, negative characters, you will also meet, among others: Samuel Sheppard is a good father. Every day he tells his daughter bedtime stories about rabbits. Everything seems to be perfect at work. Is he also a good husband and tells his wife everything? What will happen when a devil named Munther starts whispering evil things to him? Reading this passage gave me chills. I realized how many times the devil tells us nonsense, and unfortunately we follow these whispers. How many times do we argue with our loved ones about silly things? Have you ever thought about this topic? Devils sit on our shoulders and tell us what to do. The next person Munther encourages is Charlotte. Will she take her own life thanks to evil whispers? Thanks to this book, you will see what the indoctrination of a new fallen angel into a perfect devil looks like? The author illustrated it perfectly. I'm literally terrified of this. And here you can experience the power of prayer. I also met a priest here - a pastor who has been serving for 12 years, and it is getting worse every year. I recommend you learn his shocking story. I cried when I read this story. And I still can't believe it. You will also learn the story of Alexander and his mother.
This is literary fiction, but can similar stories happen every day? Unfortunately, yes, because devils do not sleep and work 24 hours a day. They must wrest every soul from the hands of God.
This book forced me to deeply reflect on my own behaviour. The ending of the book gave me quiet hope that there will be a second part of this story soon.
An original plot, good action and characters who are at the crossroads of their lives - all this makes this book impossible to put down before reading the whole thing.
Do you believe that we are constantly under surveillance by those in power? Do you listen to the whispers of the Guardian Angel, or rather the devil?
I am very impressed with this book and the stories I received here.

I recommend.

" [...] And also remember that the Dark One hates marriage and families because the Light One instigated them for the propagation of the species, so we must work to undermine them at every opportunity. [...]

Do you like reading that makes you think? If you answered yes, then I have a very good book for you by Bruno Beaches called "Rotten Little Devils". This book made me...

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Bruno Beaches Rotten Little Devils Zobacz więcej
Bruno Beaches Rotten Little Devils Zobacz więcej
Bruno Beaches Rotten Little Devils Zobacz więcej

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