I did it for you

Okładka książki I did it for you Jayne Cowie
Okładka książki I did it for you
Jayne Cowie Wydawnictwo: Penguin Random House kryminał, sensacja, thriller
400 str. 6 godz. 40 min.
kryminał, sensacja, thriller
Tytuł oryginału:
I didit for you
Penguin Random House
Data wydania:
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Czas czytania
6 godz. 40 min.
Średnia ocen

9,0 9,0 / 10

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Średnia ocen
9,0 / 10
1 ocen
Twoja ocena
0 / 10



Na półkach: , , , , ,

First, I would like to thank the author, Jayne Cowie, for the great dedication. The author dedicated her latest book titled "I did it for you" to all mothers of boys. This has already given me a lot to think about. Things are going to happen here. I sense something bad.
I'm excited. The introduction and prologue made me feel a lot of emotions. This will be an interesting story. It's already keeping me in suspense, and this is just the beginning.
Would you test your sons for the M gene? What happens if such a test comes back positive? Will it ruin the boys' lives forever?
Having the M gene in boys means the worst. Such children will become criminals, murderers, aggressive people and psychopaths in the future. There is treatment that can help curb uncontrollable behaviour. But do they actually work?
 I met two heroines who are sisters. One of them is Bea and the other is Antonia. They both have sons. One of them has been tested, the other is shirking this duty. Why doesn't one of the heroines want to examine her son? Why is he so afraid that his test will be positive?
What happens to the families of boys diagnosed with the M gene terrified me very much. I wonder what would happen if a similar story really happened.
 A very interesting and suspenseful thriller. I had a great time with it.
I was shocked at how the author led her characters. I didn't expect this turn of events. There are some interesting and unexpected twists here.
When picking up the book "I did it for you", be careful who you trust.
An interesting reading book for autumn evenings.

I recommend.

First, I would like to thank the author, Jayne Cowie, for the great dedication. The author dedicated her latest book titled "I did it for you" to all mothers of boys. This has already given me a lot to think about. Things are going to happen here. I sense something bad.
I'm excited. The introduction and prologue made me feel a lot of emotions. This will be an interesting...

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