Melody's Key

Okładka książki Melody's Key
Dallas Coryell Wydawnictwo: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform literatura piękna
338 str. 5 godz. 38 min.
literatura piękna
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
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5 godz. 38 min.
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                7,0 7,0 / 10

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Średnia ocen
7,0 / 10
1 ocen
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0 / 10



Na półkach: ,

Tegan Lockwood, forced to give up on her dream of studying art in Columbia, works hard to help her parents run their hotel business in an old manor house in Lymington, UK. In her spare time she writes songs. which she doesn't let anyone hear, reads old love letters found in the attic, or thinks of new ways to prank her sister. She certainly doesn't expect her life to change any time soon, but when the American pop star Mason Keane arrives to spend summer as her family's guest, looks like a change is inevitable. And 'don't judge a book by its cover' might be a lesson Tegan needs to learn.

It was such a lovely story! The characters are very likeable, relatable, well-written and have great chemistry. I loved Tegan's realtionship with her family, the love and support they're showing to each other, as well as fun they're having together. A little warning - you might feel a mighty need to eat pancakes while reading this book!

The author's writing style made me fall in love with 'Melody's Key', even before the romance part started - Coryell has a rare gift of writing about mundane things in a beautiful way.

I loved the setting, the plot, dialogues and romance, but what I enjoyed the most was the music. As I'm not talented enough to become a musician myself, books about musicians are my weakness, and I certainly wasn't disapponted with this one. Some of the best parts of 'Melody's Key' are the songs Tegan and Mason wrote and to which you can actually listen on Dallas Coryell's YouTube channel. Yes, just like in Hoover's 'Maybe Someday', only better, because there's only one person behind the book, music and lyrics here. Those songs are amazing, as well as others written by Coryell, so I highly recommend checking his channel.

This is one of those books that will make you smile, laugh, cry, then smile some more, and even sing in the shower ;) If you give it a chance, you won't be disappointed!

Tegan Lockwood, forced to give up on her dream of studying art in Columbia, works hard to help her parents run their hotel business in an old manor house in Lymington, UK. In her spare time she writes songs. which she doesn't let anyone hear, reads old love letters found in the attic, or thinks of new ways to prank her sister. She certainly doesn't expect her life to change...

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  • 2016 - 120 książek
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