
The Hotel

Okładka książki The Hotel Louise Mumford
Okładka książki The Hotel
Louise Mumford Wydawnictwo: HQ Digital kryminał, sensacja, thriller
336 str. 5 godz. 36 min.
kryminał, sensacja, thriller
Tytuł oryginału:
The Hotel
HQ Digital
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Czas czytania
5 godz. 36 min.
#thehotel #Netgalley
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8,0 8,0 / 10

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Średnia ocen
8,0 / 10
2 ocen
Twoja ocena
0 / 10



Na półkach: , , , ,

Bex, Richard, Oscar and Leo were filming in the haunted Ravencliffe Hotel. They were 18 at the time. One person is missing. Almost ten years have passed since then. What happened there then? I'd love to know. Will Bex go to RavenCon 10? Someone is stalking her. The nightmare of ten years ago returns. Our heroine is terrified. Will she learn the truth about Leo's disappearance? Leo's father, Mr. Finch, advises her not to return to that cursed hotel. "I'm going back. Finally. I'm sorry it's taken so long. But I promise this time I'll do whatever it takes to find out what happened to you." Bex, Oscar and Richard are reunited after ten years. How did they react to each other? Were they nice or rather rough? We go back ten years. And we get to know their stories. Leo and Bex were real friends. Together they loved novels and horror movies. They chose an old and haunted hotel in West Wales to shoot the film. It was supposed to be fun and scary. Leo didn't like Richard. It was supposed to be a trip just Leo with Bex. How did Oscar and Richard end up there too? Was Leo happy about that? Were either of them responsible for his disappearance? Or was it the haunted hotel that drew Leo in? An interesting suspense thriller. While reading this book, I was very scared at times. I would be afraid to visit a haunted hotel. I like the Louise Mumford pen. I am looking forward to another work by this author. If you like thrillers with a thrill, then be sure to reach for "The Hotel". You will not be disappointed. The ending was a bit shocking. I admit, I even shed tears. A very exciting story. These books are worth reading.

Bex, Richard, Oscar and Leo were filming in the haunted Ravencliffe Hotel. They were 18 at the time. One person is missing. Almost ten years have passed since then. What happened there then? I'd love to know. Will Bex go to RavenCon 10? Someone is stalking her. The nightmare of ten years ago returns. Our heroine is terrified. Will she learn the truth about Leo's...

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