Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Okładka książki Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix J.K. Rowling
Okładka książki Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
J.K. Rowling Wydawnictwo: Bloomsbury Publishing literatura młodzieżowa
816 str. 13 godz. 36 min.
literatura młodzieżowa
Tytuł oryginału:
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Bloomsbury Publishing
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Czas czytania
13 godz. 36 min.
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8,3 8,3 / 10

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Średnia ocen
8,3 / 10
6 ocen
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0 / 10



Na półkach: , , , ,

Rzeczywiście książka bardzo dobra, czytałem wersję angielską, więc zajęło mi trochę dłużej, choć i tak zmieściłem się w jakichś 3 tygodniach.
Wydaje mi się, że najlepszą z książek z serii HP, jakie dotychczas czytałem, a czytam chronologicznie. Wprowadziła wiele wątków, a jednocześnie dodała powagi i trochę ciemności historii Harrego. Polecam szczerze.

Rzeczywiście książka bardzo dobra, czytałem wersję angielską, więc zajęło mi trochę dłużej, choć i tak zmieściłem się w jakichś 3 tygodniach.
Wydaje mi się, że najlepszą z książek z serii HP, jakie dotychczas czytałem, a czytam chronologicznie. Wprowadziła wiele wątków, a jednocześnie dodała powagi i trochę ciemności historii Harrego. Polecam szczerze.

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Na półkach: ,

This time I will omit the introduction - to how I got to the point in my life to read again series about Harry Potter - still, even this sentence got long!

Anyhow, the longest book is behind me! I'm not sure if was it the moment in my life or the actual amount of pages - but it was less spellbinding for me than previous (still - I was properly amazed). The wait to actually get to Hogwarts is lengthening in each book, but that's fine. The plot is getting darker and more serious, as the enemies get stronger and more numerous. Below is the list of most interesting points (for me) in this part:

The magical world is expanding with each book. As the fifth year in education at Hogwarts finishes with the O.W.L.s, which results will have an impact on the adult life of pupils. Depending on the obtained scores, lines of professions can be chosen. Readers gain more knowledge about what can be studied, and what are possible carrier paths for magicians, as the tradition of conducting the exams. The most presented work opportunity in this plot is the Aurors (as they fight dark magic - easy). Some new skills added are occlumency and legilimency (more advanced branches, but necessary). 

Another expansion is the magical world in its structure, more mundane - buildings, and institutions. Again, readers learn more about the Ministry of Magic, Visitors Entrance, etc. One place mentioned many times before, finally, was visited by the characters of the book, namely St. Mungo Hospital. As magically organized with its departments as one can count on J.K. Rowling. 

We delve deeper into social moods, realizing more about family trees, connections, the idea of pure blood, and more than ever indicated intolerance to so-called by Ministry half-humans (centaurs, giants, etc.). There is a strong resemblance to Muggle's racism, which probably was the inspiration. In contrast, more than once needed unity was mentioned, as Sorting Hat stated in a new song, or search for allies, not only in Hagrid's Tale.

The main conflict seems to be between those who believe and those who refuse to do it. Why? Ordinary human vices: pride, abuse of power, anxiety, unwillingness to deal with consequences - and the most imaginary fear of losing one's position to an opponent who is not interested in taking it. One group is trying to convince the other before it's too late, the other keeping the truth from spreading and playing fair. 

While not playing fair, it is necessary to bring up Miss Umbridge. A cruel villain, behind pink costumes and fake smiles. From the beginning, she overuses her power and authority, and if she doesn't have that, she'll gain it anyway, becoming for example Hogwarts High Inquisitor (whatever that could mean). For each obstacle (in her opinion) answering with a new Educational Decree, punishing with wicked detentions tasks, even attacks on teachers. 

I am also happy that the power of media (in this case - newspaper) was made of use again. Showing how the masses can be manipulated, facts are hidden, and situations misinterpreted. How others are heard too often, and how others are denied to be heard.

After five books, you can definitely talk about character development as well. While some stand still (like Harry and Ron's roommates, or Draco Malfoy),some are developed (Neville, George, Fred, Percy). In this part, we also learn more about the youth of the adult heroes (you could say a whole generation of Harry's parents, but Snape's past is most described here). And there is also space to introduce new characters (Luna).

For some, an essential moment in the cycle, namely Dumbledore's monologue, in which some secrets in Harry's life are clarified, as we learn what the prophecy was about. For example, the readers get to know why Harry has to cope with the Dursleys.  

The last lines give no doubt that the actual war has begun.

The last short paragraph about the movie. After the fourth part, I was very unhappy - mainly because of inconsistent jumping on the most important threads (like checkpoints),and giving the solution on the plate in the first scene. The fifth adaptation was really skillful and concise, it did not omit anything of huge importance, and the rest was given to the reader as a glimpse (Kreacher or Percy).

This time I will omit the introduction - to how I got to the point in my life to read again series about Harry Potter - still, even this sentence got long!

Anyhow, the longest book is behind me! I'm not sure if was it the moment in my life or the actual amount of pages - but it was less spellbinding for me than previous (still - I was properly amazed). The wait to actually...

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Książka na półkach

  • Przeczytane
  • Chcę przeczytać
  • Posiadam
  • Ulubione
  • Po angielsku
  • Teraz czytam
  • Fantastyka
  • Fantasy
  • Harry Potter
  • 2018


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