Flames of Chaos

Okładka książki Flames of Chaos Amelia Hutchins
Okładka książki Flames of Chaos
Amelia Hutchins Wydawnictwo: Amazon Digital Services LLC Cykl: Legacy of the Nine Realms (tom 1) fantasy, science fiction
563 str. 9 godz. 23 min.
fantasy, science fiction
Legacy of the Nine Realms (tom 1)
Amazon Digital Services LLC
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Czas czytania
9 godz. 23 min.
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6,0 6,0 / 10

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Średnia ocen
6,0 / 10
5 ocen
Twoja ocena
0 / 10



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Ta książka była tak głupia, że aż śmieszna :-D
Poniżej wklejam z goodreads opinię jednej z czytelniczek, która idealnie podsumowała tę książkę. Nie mogłabym ująć tego lepiej :-)

"I fucking loved this book.

But then why did I give it two stars?

Well, it sucked. But it was just so damn hilarious that I had to read the whole thing. I could not put it down. It was so bad that it was funny. There was literally no plot, but I found the whole damn thing un-put-down-able.

Let me give you a summary of the entire book through dialogue that resembles the actual dialogue of the book (btw, lots of cussing, strong language, sexual wording, and the entire book is spoiled):


Aria: *I am going to haphazardly provide some narration to the reader but not really explain any of it, so people who haven't read my other series (aka me) feel at a disadvantage.
Hecate was a witch goddess? She gave birth to some girls. Freya, one of these girls, is the mother of Aria and her 15 sisters. Freya likes to fuck around, so each set of twins (because of course she gives birth in sets of twins) has a different father. Freya's sister, Aurora, basically raised the sisters. Aria has a twin sister named Amara who is missing.*

Aria's sisters: "Oh, I'm so ready for some good dick as we return to Haven Falls, our old home, even though we're returning to find Aria's missing twin."
Random guy: "I'm Knox, the new king. And damn, Aria, you need to get fucking bent over and fucked."
Aria: "I don't like you, Knox."
Knox: "Well, that fucking sounds like you need to get bent over and fucked."
Aria: "I'm powerful. Look at me uproot some trees. But I don't actually know why I have this power since my mom got some good dick from a random guy but we don't know who he is. All my sisters know their father's form and therefore know what kind of creature they are. But I don't know who my father is."
Knox: "Smells like you need to get fucked."

Aria: *enters her house and slips on some blood*
Knox: *magically appears* "Stop touching yourself. You're spreading the blood around. It's making me horny."

Aria: *exists for a while*
Knox and lots of other men: "Smells like you need to get bent over and fucked. Your virgin pussy needs some good claiming. I will also now use the word 'breed' sometimes to really make you uncomfortable."

*time passes and we begin to think that Amara, Aria's missing twin, is actually an evil bitch based on what we hear about her exploits*

Knox: "I'm going to claim you, Aria. I'm going to put my name on your pussy so that everyone can smell me on you, and then they won't fuck you. Because everyone wants to breed that virgin pussy."
Aria: "All right."
Knox: "I still hate you by the way. I hate all Hecate witches. If someone powerful didn't want you alive, I'd bend over and fuck you, and then get rid of you. Probably by decapitation."
Aria: *at some point, goes to Knox's library and sees pieces of stuff from Norvalla, one of the Nine Realms that Aria really feels a connection to. (did you guess that her father is from Norvalla and so is Knox?)*

*Aria needs to lose her virginity for a blessing spell to protect her and her sisters*
Knox: "My brother Brander should take your virginity because he's safe and I hate you."
Aria: "Sounds like a solid plan."
Brander: "I'm kinky so I'm going to handcuff and blindfold you."
Aria: "All right."
*Aria is handcuffed and blindfolded. Someone starts touching her. It smells like Knox. She hopes it's Knox.*
Someone: *removes her blindfold*
Aria: "Knox? You're the one that's been touching me?"
Knox: "Of course. You need to get bent over and fucked, and I'm not letting anyone else do that."
Knox: "I can't do this. You worthless bitch. I hate Hecate witches. Get fucked."
Aria: *is hurt by these words*

Knox had a mate named Liliana and a son Sven, and Hecate witches basically killed them both really aggressively.

Everyone: "Hmm, we really are dying to know what kind of creature Aria is. Because unlike her sisters, who know who their father is or at least what kind of creature their father was, Aria doesn't."
Aria: *leaves Knox's house after being really hurt by his words after he took her virginity. She literally gets blown up by a car bomb? She catches on fire, but is not hurt by the fire*
Aria: *becomes a creature (who is untouched by the fire and really horny. no, those aren't related things but those two really define her whole personality)*
Knox: *turned on as fuck*
Aria's creature: "Ah, yes, I am free. I must now find a good mate. Hmm, Knox looks like a good mate. Let's go get that good dick. I really want that big cock."
*Knox and Aria's creature fuck*
Aria returns to herself and her creature goes back inside or whatever: "What just happened? I can't remember."
Knox: "Your creature is super powerful and tried to dominate me, but I'm the dominant one. Come get this good dick."
Aria: "No! I hate you."
Knox: "I hate you too, little witch."

*a wolf dies. (actually that might have happened earlier) The wolf alpha, Fallon, wants to dominate Aria.*
Fallon: "I'm going to rape you, Aria. I'm going to rape and mutilate you because I want that good pussy and I'm an alpha wolf."
Aria: "Don't be stupid, Fallon. I have some random creature inside me that can easily dominate you."
Fallon: "Nope, I'm going to rape and mutilate you."
Aria: *kicks his ass and then bites him on the shoulder*
Fallon: *is in severe pain but is turned on by the bite and comes on the floor?!?!???!?!*
Dimitri, another wolf: "Hey remember me, your childhood friend? You're really sexy now. I'd love to claim that good pussy."
Dimitri: "Oh by the way, I'm the alpha now, since you, a woman, dominated the current alpha, Fallon. Therefore, he was weak and I took over."
Aria: "Okay."

Aria: "Wow, my creature is powerful."
Knox: "Yeah, and she likes this good dick."

Aria's sister Luna: "I got pregnant by some random wolf, but I'm giving birth early because of complications."
Luna's babies are boys and Hecate had cursed her line to never give birth to boys. So the boys are born faceless and dead
Luna: "I hate you, Aria, you fucking whore! Dimitri, the father of my babies that I kept hidden from everyone, likes your good pussy for some reason!"
Aria: "Bitch, I never fucked Dimitri! Only one man is giving me good dick and that's Knox! Get fucked!"

Aria: *goes to Knox's house to escape Luna and Dimitri*
Aria: *becomes creature, but this time can see through her eyes and is aware inside of her*
Aria's creature: "Yo, Knox. I'm here for that good dick."

*Amara, the evil twin, kidnaps Aria*
Amara: "Hahahaha, Aria. You stupid bitch. I've always been jealous of you because you're so powerful. So I went and fucked a creature from the Nine Realms named Garrett. He's my husband now. And guess what? He's a Minotaur. So I've been getting that good deformed bull dick."
Aria: "The fresh fuck? You're my twin sister!"
Amara: "Hahahaha. And now I'm going to give you to Garrett's father whose name is Gerald. Gerald is the Minotaur King. He's going to rape you, mutilate you, kill you, and then fuck your dead body. All with his giant knotted deformed bull dick."
Aria: "I am concerned. What the fresh fuck?"
Garrett: "Thanks Amara for the fire introduction. OOh, but your pussy smells good, Aria. Let me just finger you abusively because I'm a rapist."
Amara: *is turned on by seeing her husband finger her twin sister who she hates. Amara then sucks Garrett's dick in front of Aria. His huge knotted deformed bull dick. (This was repeated in the novel, so I am just doing the same for you because if I went through the pain then so should you)*

*it is time for Gerald to get that good pussy from Aria. Meaning, he's now ready to rape and mutilate her.*
Aria: *is dressed up for this occasion by her horrible sister*
Gerald: "Hello, I will now ruin you."
Aria: "You thought."

*Aria becomes the creature, kills the Minotaur King, kills her sister, all while the King of Norvalla and the High King watch. (The King of Norvalla and the High King were invited to watch Gerald ruin Aria.)*

Knox's brothers Lore and Brander: "Damn, Aria, you killed them. We're here to rescue you."
Aria: "Oh thanks." *returns somewhere*

Knox: "You dumb little fucker. I am the King of Norvalla. I am so angry at the fucking Hecate witches. I want to kill them all. For the past 500 years I have been murdering witches. I am now starting a war. Me and my large as fuck army against the witches. But I also want to bend over and fuck you. This need to fuck you is warring with my desire to kill you."
Aria: "I will hide my sisters with my magic. I will always choose blood. I don't care if you give me good dick."
Knox: "No, you will belong to me."



Ta książka była tak głupia, że aż śmieszna :-D
Poniżej wklejam z goodreads opinię jednej z czytelniczek, która idealnie podsumowała tę książkę. Nie mogłabym ująć tego lepiej :-)

"I fucking loved this book.

But then why did I give it two stars?

Well, it sucked. But it was just so damn hilarious that I had to read the whole thing. I could not put it down. It was...

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  • Chcę przeczytać
  • Przeczytane
  • 2020
  • Chcę mieć
  • Czekam na polski
  • F A N T A S Y i I N N E
  • Wydanie polskie
  • Smut
  • Inne
  • Not translated


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