The Asymmetric Man

Okładka książki The Asymmetric Man Alex Rushton
Okładka książki The Asymmetric Man
Alex Rushton Wydawnictwo: SCRIPTORA Cykl: Black Carter (tom 1) literatura obyczajowa, romans
362 str. 6 godz. 2 min.
literatura obyczajowa, romans
Black Carter (tom 1)
Tytuł oryginału:
The Asymmetric Man
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Czas czytania
6 godz. 2 min.
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9,0 9,0 / 10

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Średnia ocen
9,0 / 10
1 ocen
Twoja ocena
0 / 10



Na półkach: , , , , , ,

" [...] Look into your own heart. Leave your anger, hate and destruction behind, these only lead to suffering. Look around you. [...]"

Alex Rushton's book "The Asymmetric Man" is the first part of the "The Blake Carter" trilogy. The author took me into the terrifying world of the Vietnam War. Of course, that's not all I got here. I found corruption, espionage, embezzlement and much more.
The main character is Blake Carter. Thanks to him, I experienced amazing and, of course, very dangerous adventures. The Vietnam War brought tears to my eyes. What Blake experienced there stayed with him forever. The main character is a scientist and works for MI6. He speaks several languages ​​fluently, including Thai, Vietnamese and French. He is an excellent shooter. Under what cover did he go to Saigon? Is he a spy? What is his life like after the Vietnam War? You will learn this and much more while reading.
The author created an extremely dangerous story for him. I was terrified by his experience in the jungle. How did he survive it? Outside the jungle, he also stayed in a certain monastery. What did he learn there, and how did this experience influence his personality?
Alex Rushton created a unique work. It's worth reading this story. The book ends at a point where I want to know its continuation. The plot is interesting, the action is fast-paced with amazing twists and a hero you don't want to stop listening to. Every reader will find something for themselves here.
I forgot to mention that you can't put this book down without knowing the ending. The unique, eye-catching cover also deserves your attention.
Do you agree with the statement that sometimes the only way to find peace is to lose everything? Has Blake found peace on Earth? If you are looking for a colourful story that moves you, you've come to the right place.
I recommend "The Asymmetric Man" to you, and I'm already looking forward to the second part. This was my first encounter with Alex Rushton's work, and I already know it won't be the last.

" [...] Look into your own heart. Leave your anger, hate and destruction behind, these only lead to suffering. Look around you. [...]"

Alex Rushton's book "The Asymmetric Man" is the first part of the "The Blake Carter" trilogy. The author took me into the terrifying world of the Vietnam War. Of course, that's not all I got here. I found corruption, espionage, embezzlement...

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Alex Rushton The Asymmetric Man Zobacz więcej
Alex Rushton The Asymmetric Man Zobacz więcej
Alex Rushton The Asymmetric Man Zobacz więcej

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