Frog's Bog

Okładka książki Frog's Bog Marielle Bayliss
Okładka książki Frog's Bog
Marielle Bayliss Wydawnictwo: Graffeg literatura dziecięca
36 str. 36 min.
literatura dziecięca
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Frog's Bog
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36 min.
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0 / 10



Na półkach: , , , , , , ,

I'll start with the cover first. It is unique and eye-catching. Together with my son, we wanted to quickly learn the story of the cute Frog Bog on the cover. We have read that the wonderful illustrations for this book were created by Mariela Malova. This girl has a beautiful talent. I will envy her.
On the third page, you can sign the book. My son said that this book is for him, and I have no say in the matter, and he signed it. This book is exactly for children. We go further.
The illustrations are great, but the content is also perfect. "Frog's Bog" by Marielle Bayliss. This was our first meeting with this author. We'd love to read other books by this author.
We meet the frog in the morning. She comes to life. It helps us meet other animals. Will they make our frog happy? Or will it be the other way around? We were horrified by what the red fox did. We were worried about our green Frog. We wondered what she would eat for breakfast. Breakfast is very important. This is the basis of a successful day. Will our frog have a full tummy?
Meet the frog and her action-packed adventures.
We laughed a lot while reading "Frog's Bog". The author has created a story that teaches and entertains. As you read this book, you will see that we don't always have to get what we want.
I will add that our Frog Bog will have a lot of bad luck. This gives the story a special character. My son loves her. We read it every night before going to bed.
The story hidden within the pages of "Frog's Bog" contains a moral that you must discover for yourself.
We loved the ending of this book. We are very curious if the author Marielle Bayliss will create a book with more adventures of Green Frog.
At the end of the book, we found explanations of some water words. A very useful solution.
Together with my son, we recommend the book "Frog's Bog" to all children. Remember, dear parents, to read books to your children before bedtime. This will enrich their imagination and make them have better dreams.
Big applause to Marielle Bayliss and Mariel Malov for creating such a wonderful, unusual and unique book.
Do you already know "Frog's Bog"?

I'll start with the cover first. It is unique and eye-catching. Together with my son, we wanted to quickly learn the story of the cute Frog Bog on the cover. We have read that the wonderful illustrations for this book were created by Mariela Malova. This girl has a beautiful talent. I will envy her.
On the third page, you can sign the book. My son said that this book...

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