The Resolution

Okładka książki The Resolution Lachlan Pirie
Okładka książki The Resolution
Lachlan Pirie Wydawnictwo: Ocean Reeve Publishing kryminał, sensacja, thriller
314 str. 5 godz. 14 min.
kryminał, sensacja, thriller
Tytuł oryginału:
The Resolution
Ocean Reeve Publishing
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Czas czytania
5 godz. 14 min.
Netgalley TheResolution
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9,0 9,0 / 10

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Średnia ocen
9,0 / 10
1 ocen
Twoja ocena
0 / 10



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The prologue of the book "The Resolution" promises an interesting plot in which we will meet an indigenous Australian - Aboriginal, 43-year-old Daniel Rodriguez, who is a sociopath. He suffers from multiple illnesses with borderline personality disorder. We also meet Janet - Rodriguez's ex-wife. She visits Daniel in prison for the fourth time. Why? I didn't understand why she went there. Had she loved him all along? Daniel (he calls himself native) is very dangerous. Janet will find out the hard way. Her ex-husband hates her. I was curious why that is. This heroine is also not perfect. Drugs had a strong influence on her behavior. She's not mentally healthy either. By reading "The Resolution" you will find out why. I was deeply shocked to learn her story. Kudos to the author. He invented an extraordinary heroine. Another hero is 47-year-old alcoholic Jonathan Little. He is currently in prison. He hates his wife. Kay has filed for divorce. Will Jonathan sign the papers? He tells his wife's lawyer that he will kill her. Why? I was very scared reading this. I secretly hoped that bastard would never be released. This hero loves money. He was not a poor man. Thanks to our heroes, we can find out what a prison looks like from the inside. Daniel and Jonathan met in one cell. What will these two psychopaths come up with? Their plan terrified me. You must get to know him. We learn about their intentions from the perpetrator's journals entitled "The World According to Tinkler Rodriguez". These logs are now evidence in the case. Terrible records. I was secretly hoping their plan would fail. I also met Daniel's probation officer, Fran Kelly. A very good and smart woman. He is concerned about the domestic violence that occurred with Aboriginal and Janet. A very interesting and powerful psychological thriller. I'm glad I was able to read it. The author did a great job of describing his characters and their problems. The ending is not obvious. The author left us with questions that we have to answer for ourselves. I'm a bit disappointed in him. I was hoping for a better ending.

The prologue of the book "The Resolution" promises an interesting plot in which we will meet an indigenous Australian - Aboriginal, 43-year-old Daniel Rodriguez, who is a sociopath. He suffers from multiple illnesses with borderline personality disorder. We also meet Janet - Rodriguez's ex-wife. She visits Daniel in prison for the fourth time. Why? I didn't understand...

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