
The Girl in the Moon Circle

Okładka książki The Girl in the Moon Circle Sia Figiel
Okładka książki The Girl in the Moon Circle
Sia Figiel Wydawnictwo: Institute of Pacific Studies literatura piękna
134 str. 2 godz. 14 min.
literatura piękna
Institute of Pacific Studies
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2 godz. 14 min.
Samoa Oceania Pacific Islands Violence Children Teenagers Abuse Samoana Friendship Family Community
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Born in 1967 in Matautu Tai, Upolu, Sia Figiel has pursuit her later education in New Zealand and in the United States of America. Her artistic expression through writing and painting has been highly recognised and awarded what enabled her to become a full time author (Benson & Conolly). In her second publication The Girl in The Moon Circle (1996) published soon after her first volume, the main protagonist Samoana Pili, also known as “Ana”, age of ten, lives in the fictional village of Malaefou and tells the story of the aggression and sexual abuse from adults that they experience. Samoan society is characterised by the tendency of collective approach in ways of narrative expression which favourites groups over individuals (Henderson 323). Samoan teenagers are encouraged to communicate as a part of this community even though the violations experienced by young people are their personal tragedy they suffer from alone. Therefore, as noticed by Wendy E. Cowling (29) “men are not always particularly estimable, while women have to be strong, and strong-willed, or they would not survive emotionally.” Sia Figiel raises these complexities by Samoana, who thinks of love as of the concept strictly related to being a member of the group with responsibilities towards its members:
And I felt sad for her because she was not living. But rather existing. And a sad existence at that because I didn’t feel like she did anything with love. Alofa. The virtue that makes you forget about you and you think of others first. (12).
Through the collection of Samoana’s memories which refer to incest, domestic violence, rape, alcoholism, and abuse, we learn the power of strength between the sisters and the sentimental affection she has towards her father. We see how attached she is too her culture, represented by Faga, the grandmother. The experience of brutality and Tufa’s miscarriage teach her to become stronger and resilient.

Cowling, Wendy E. “Island Lives: The Writing of Sia Figiel (Samoa) and Celestine Hitiura Vaite (Tahiti).” Junctures: The Journal for Thematic Dialogue, vol. 6, no. 12, 2009, pp. 29-41.
Figiel, Sia. The Girl in The Moon Circle. Mana Publications, 1996.
Henderson, April K. “The I and The We: Individuality, Collectivity, and Samoan Artistic Responses to Cultural Change.” The Contemporary Pacific, vol. 28, no. 2, 2016, pp. 316-345.
Teaiwa, Teresia K. "Figiel, Sia (1967-).” Encyclopedia of Post-Colonial Literatures in English, edited by Eugene Benson, and L. W. Conolly, Routledge, 2nd edition, 2005.

Born in 1967 in Matautu Tai, Upolu, Sia Figiel has pursuit her later education in New Zealand and in the United States of America. Her artistic expression through writing and painting has been highly recognised and awarded what enabled her to become a full time author (Benson & Conolly). In her second publication The Girl in The Moon Circle (1996) published soon after her...

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