You can't hide

Okładka książki You can't hide Emily Shiner
Okładka książki You can't hide
Emily Shiner Wydawnictwo: Inkubator Books kryminał, sensacja, thriller
187 str. 3 godz. 7 min.
kryminał, sensacja, thriller
Tytuł oryginału:
You can't hide
Inkubator Books
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Czas czytania
3 godz. 7 min.
#youcanthide #NetGalley
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9,0 9,0 / 10

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Średnia ocen
9,0 / 10
1 ocen
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0 / 10



Na półkach: , , , ,

"You can't hide" is a psychological thriller in which we learn the tragic fate of two women. Lizzy and Beth are women who are victims of domestic violence. Each of them have done something wrong in their past. Unfortunately, this has consequences in the future. One of them has a husband who shows her who's boss at every step. I was shocked to find out how this wedding happened. Zachary's behaviour made me sick to my stomach. I literally wanted to lock him in the basement and wait for him to die. A seemingly perfect doctor, but in fact an abusive psychopath. I felt sorry for Lizzy for such a husband. Beth is in a different situation. She has a loving husband, Ian. Together they drove to his house to sell it. There they will meet a certain evil man. Will they make it out completely? Do the two ladies have anything in common? Do their husbands know each other? You will learn the answers to these questions by reading the book "You can't hide". Let me just add that I was in shock when I got to know the ending. I didn't expect this turn of events. A plus for the author. It was my first reading encounter with Emily Shiner's work. After reading this book, I already know that I want to read her other novels. I read this book as an e-book. It has only 187 pages. Every page is a real gem. Good action, an original plot, interesting characters and an exciting ending, that's what you can say about this book in a nutshell. I wasn't bored while reading. I love psychological thrillers.

"You can't hide" is a psychological thriller in which we learn the tragic fate of two women. Lizzy and Beth are women who are victims of domestic violence. Each of them have done something wrong in their past. Unfortunately, this has consequences in the future. One of them has a husband who shows her who's boss at every step. I was shocked to find out how this wedding...

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  • Chcę przeczytać
  • Ebook
  • Teraz czytam
  • 2023
  • NetGalley 2023
  • Przeczytane
  • Ulubione


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