The first and the last freedom

Okładka książki The first and the last freedom Jiddu Krishnamurti
Okładka książki The first and the last freedom
Jiddu Krishnamurti Wydawnictwo: Krishnamurti Foundation India filozofia, etyka
filozofia, etyka
Tytuł oryginału:
The First and Last Freedom
Krishnamurti Foundation India
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Na półkach: ,

Life is a matter of relationship; and to understand that relationship, which is not static, there must be an awareness which is pliable, an awareness which is alertly passive, not aggressively active. As I said, this passive awareness does not come through any form of discipline, through any practice. It is just to be aware, from moment to moment, of our thinking and feeling, not only when we are awake; for we shall see, as we go into it more deeply, that we begin to dream, that we begin to throw up all kinds of symbols which we translate as dreams. Thus we open the door into the hidden, which becomes the known; but to find the unknown, we must go beyond the door- surely, that is our difficulty. Reality is not a thing which is knowable by the mind, becouse the mind is the result of the know, of the past; therefore the mind must understand itself and its functioning, its truth, and only then is it possible for the unknown to be.

Life is a matter of relationship; and to understand that relationship, which is not static, there must be an awareness which is pliable, an awareness which is alertly passive, not aggressively active. As I said, this passive awareness does not come through any form of discipline, through any practice. It is just to be aware, from moment to moment, of our thinking and...

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