Then There Were Giants

Okładka książki Then There Were Giants Nicky Heymans
Okładka książki Then There Were Giants
Nicky Heymans Wydawnictwo: Malcolm Down Publishing Cykl: The Wilderness (tom 2) religia
304 str. 5 godz. 4 min.
The Wilderness (tom 2)
Tytuł oryginału:
Then There Were Giants
Malcolm Down Publishing
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Czas czytania
5 godz. 4 min.
Średnia ocen

9,0 9,0 / 10

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Średnia ocen
9,0 / 10
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0 / 10



Na półkach: , , , , , , ,

" [...] To defeat the giant without, you must first defeat the giant within. [...]"

Wow! I am extremely impressed by Nicky Heymans' work. Her latest book "Then There Were Giants" won my heart.
Have you ever wondered what life was like for the Israelites who spent 40 years in the desert? Why couldn't they enter their Promised Land right away? Would you like Moses and his family to come to your wedding? I would really like to. I believe that on this beautiful day he was looking at us from Heaven.
Yoram and Samina had a beautiful wedding. You must read about it. I would love to participate and eat food prepared especially for this time.
The main character and narrator was Joshua. Who was he? He was the commander of the Israeli army. Friend and right hand of Moses. Will he be his worthy successor?
Nadeem, Joshua's Arab friend. Trader. They speak different languages, but still try to communicate. What happens when traders are attacked? How will they tell Joshua who attacked them? Can you win the fight against the giants? You will also meet Mesha. Mesha is Joshua's adoptive brother.
The Israelites will wander in the desert for 40 years, and only then will they enter the Promised Land of Cannan. Why so long? This is punishment for their espionage. What were they spying on? Does Yahweh speak to them in dreams? Should we ignore them and turn a blind eye to them? Are you curious what the fight between the Israelites and the Amorites was like? I don't know the previous one part, and it didn't stop me from understanding the story. However, I will have to make up for it someday.
The plot is very engaging, as long as you are interested in Moses. The action is at the right level. The characters are great. The book cover is wonderful. I like reading books related to religion.
I'm glad that the author decided to tackle such a difficult topic. I think she handled it perfectly. She showed us a beautiful and painful story. The Israelites had to face various difficulties during these 40 years. Haven't they lost faith in God after all? Does God still support them?

In my opinion, this book is worth reading. And be careful, there is a high risk of crying while reading.

" [...] To defeat the giant without, you must first defeat the giant within. [...]"

Wow! I am extremely impressed by Nicky Heymans' work. Her latest book "Then There Were Giants" won my heart.
Have you ever wondered what life was like for the Israelites who spent 40 years in the desert? Why couldn't they enter their Promised Land right away? Would you like Moses and his...

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Nicky Heymans Then There Were Giants Zobacz więcej
Nicky Heymans Then There Were Giants Zobacz więcej
Nicky Heymans Then There Were Giants Zobacz więcej

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