Savage sister

Okładka książki Savage sister Heather Atkinson
Okładka książki Savage sister
Heather Atkinson Wydawnictwo: Boldwood Books kryminał, sensacja, thriller
354 str. 5 godz. 54 min.
kryminał, sensacja, thriller
Tytuł oryginału:
Savage sister
Boldwood Books
Data wydania:
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Czas czytania
5 godz. 54 min.
Średnia ocen

9,0 9,0 / 10

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Średnia ocen
9,0 / 10
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0 / 10



Na półkach: , , , , ,

"Savage Sisters" is an interesting thriller that keeps you in suspense until the last page. I liked the fight scenes between the two families. Gangs rule here. Who will win and who will lose? You will find out by reading this book. It was worth staying up all night for such an emotional story.

 Here I met three brave girls from the Savage family: Jane, Carly and Rose. All three have been through hell. Six years ago, their beloved mother died of cancer. They were 15, 13 and 10 at the time. Their father, Alec, had to take care of his daughters and take care of everything at the same time. A year after the death of his wife, he began to feel bad. After being diagnosed, it turned out that he had Parkinson's. It was a shock to the whole family because Alec was only 47 years old. Our heroes had to take care of everything. Their father's illness progressed rapidly, and 5 years later he was a shadow of himself. Jane works full time. She is currently 21 years old. Carly works part-time at a bar. She's 19. All household chores rested on her shoulders. She feeds her father. Rose is 16 and still goes to school. She is the sunshine of the whole family.

 I was cheering for the girls. I was very proud of them. Despite the tragedy that befell them, they coped. Everything would be fine if the ex-boyfriend of one of them hadn't come out of prison. From then on, their world will start to crumble. Literally, their lives will be in danger. Their Uncle Eddie and his sons will have to step in. Real hell will break loose. Will the Savage family defeat the Alexander family? Will it be the other way around?

 After answering, I refer you to this book.

 What will you get by reading this book? An interesting plot, fast-paced action and brave girls.

 I'm happy with the ending. I quietly hope that in some time there will be another part of the adventures of the Savage family.

 I recommend.

"Savage Sisters" is an interesting thriller that keeps you in suspense until the last page. I liked the fight scenes between the two families. Gangs rule here. Who will win and who will lose? You will find out by reading this book. It was worth staying up all night for such an emotional story.

 Here I met three brave girls from the Savage family: Jane, Carly and Rose. All...

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