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Paula Wolfert
Pisze książki: kulinaria, przepisy kulinarne
Paula Wolfert, a resident of Sonoma, is the author of eight previously published cookbooks, all considered classics. Among them: Couscous and Other Good Food From Morocco, The Cooking of Southwest France, and five books on Mediterranean cuisine including the much praised Cooking of the Eastern Mediterranean. She has won the Julia Child Award three times, The James Beard Award five times, The M. F. K. Fisher Award, The Tastemaker Award and been a finalist for the British Andre Simon Award. She is the creator of the open Facebook Moroccan Cooking Group.
The late New York Times food writer Craig Claiborne has written of her: "I think she's one of the finest and most influential cookbook authors in this country. Her recipes are done with incredible accuracy. She brings a sense of wonder to matters of taste. She has an uncommonly fine palate. In sum, she is one of the leading lights in contemporary gastronomy."
The late New York Times food writer Craig Claiborne has written of her: "I think she's one of the finest and most influential cookbook authors in this country. Her recipes are done with incredible accuracy. She brings a sense of wonder to matters of taste. She has an uncommonly fine palate. In sum, she is one of the leading lights in contemporary gastronomy."
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The Food of Morocco Paula Wolfert
Sztandarowa pozycja jeśli chodzi o kuchnię marokańską. Znajdziemy tutaj nie tylko przepisy na sztandarowe dania tej kuchni ale i opisy najpopularniejszych składników oraz technik przygotowywania dań, mieszanek przypraw oraz wyszczególnienie potraw z różnych regionów Maroka. Pomiędzy tym wszystkim autorka wplotła krótkie anegdoty i historie. Książka jest pięknie wydana, ponad 500 kremowych stron zdobią znakomite fotografie, którymi wbrew panującej modzie w tej dziedzinie literatury nie jest to dzieło przeładowane. Jedynym minusem są nieliczne potrawy które autorka nieco 'uzachodniła'. Aż wstyd że do tej pory "The Food of Morocco" nie została wydana po polsku.