Our Georgia: The devastating murder of my daughter by a killer who should have been stopped

Okładka książki Our Georgia: The devastating murder of my daughter by a killer who should have been stopped Lynnette Williams
Okładka książki Our Georgia: The devastating murder of my daughter by a killer who should have been stopped
Lynnette Williams Wydawnictwo: Mardle Books reportaż
240 str. 4 godz. 0 min.
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Our Georgia: The devastating murder of my daughter by a killer who should have been stoppedOur Georgia: The devastating murder of my daughter by a killer who should have been stopped
Mardle Books
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4 godz. 0 min.
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8,0 8,0 / 10

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8,0 / 10
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0 / 10



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Nothing hurts more than the death of your own child. Death at the hands of a vicious monster hurts double and even triple. Why? Find out by reading Lynnette Williams' harrowing book, Our Georgia: The devastating murder of my daughter by a killer who should have been stopped. It is a shocking story full of pain and tears. I met Linda (mom) and Steve (dad) Williams and others there. The book is dedicated to the memory of Georgia Lynnette Williams. The girl had her whole life ahead of her. It was brutally taken from her. Leaving an open wound in the heart of her entire family. Together with Georgia's parents and the police, I was looking for a live girl. Later, the girl's body was found. Who was the perpetrator? Did he get the punishment he deserved? That's what you'll find out in this book. It's worth reading. Here you will find Georgia's parents' struggle for truth and justice. The guilty should be given the punishment they deserve. The beginning and middle of the book were very good. The end of the book bored me a bit. I don't know why it turned out like that. Nevertheless, I encourage you to read it. Georgia was 17 when she was brutally murdered.

Nothing hurts more than the death of your own child. Death at the hands of a vicious monster hurts double and even triple. Why? Find out by reading Lynnette Williams' harrowing book, Our Georgia: The devastating murder of my daughter by a killer who should have been stopped. It is a shocking story full of pain and tears. I met Linda (mom) and Steve (dad) Williams and others...

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