
The lie in our marriage

Okładka książki The lie in our marriage Anna-Lou Weatherley
Okładka książki The lie in our marriage
Anna-Lou Weatherley Wydawnictwo: Bookouture Cykl: Detective Dan Riley (tom 6) kryminał, sensacja, thriller
331 str. 5 godz. 31 min.
kryminał, sensacja, thriller
Detective Dan Riley (tom 6)
Tytuł oryginału:
The lie in our marriage
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5 godz. 31 min.
#NetGalley #Thelieinourmarriage
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Średnia ocen
10,0 / 10
2 ocen
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0 / 10



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Wow! What an amazing thriller. I don't think I've ever enjoyed a book so much. I told everyone in my household, other family members, and a friend about it. This book is so captivating. We have a family celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary. The main character, Maggie, went to the attic. She was looking at old stuff. She remembered the old days. Until suddenly she discovered a bloody scarf that wasn't hers. She smelled strongly of foreign perfume. In the meantime, the body of a young girl was fished out. Does that bloody scarf have anything to do with it? Our heroine is broken. She suspects that her husband is behind this murder. What else will Maggie discover? Is she right to suspect her husband?
Have more than halfway through the book, I felt who the murderer of 22-year-old Amelie Fox was. I couldn't wait to find out who the killer was. Was I right?
Reading "The lie in our marriage" I literally felt the terror of the main character. She didn't know what to do in this situation. Should she report to the police?
What she did shocked me deeply. Tears ran down my face. I couldn't control myself. Mother, what the author Anna-Lou Weatherley has done to me. I didn't expect that. I didn't know I would react like that. Plus for her.
Another hero is Detective Dan Riley. A very positive person. Despite his wife's advanced pregnancy, he works hard. There is no time to rest. He has to explain the death of 22-year-old Amelie Fox. The girl had a lot of fans on the Internet. She was a famous person. What did she do that she deserved to die? Did some fanatic kill his idol because she turned him down? Of course, I won't tell you that. I liked the investigation Detective Dan was doing. He was running an investigation that had a lot of pieces. Literally, like a puzzle piece. Did he solve the case? The case is not as simple as it looks.
This was my first encounter with this author's work. And I know it won't be the last. I liked her characters. As I read, I laughed and cried. I experienced a lot of different emotions. The ending made me burst into tears.
If you like strong and suspenseful thrillers, be sure to read "The lie in our marriage".
Fast-paced action, an interesting plot, wonderful characters and a tear-inducing ending make this book impossible to pass by indifferently.
I wholeheartedly recommend, mommy_and_books.

Wow! What an amazing thriller. I don't think I've ever enjoyed a book so much. I told everyone in my household, other family members, and a friend about it. This book is so captivating. We have a family celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary. The main character, Maggie, went to the attic. She was looking at old stuff. She remembered the old days. Until suddenly she...

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