
Sisters of Sword and Song

Okładka książki Sisters of Sword and Song Rebecca Ross
Okładka książki Sisters of Sword and Song
Rebecca Ross Wydawnictwo: HarperTeen fantasy, science fiction
480 str. 8 godz. 0 min.
fantasy, science fiction
Data wydania:
Data 1. wydania:
Liczba stron:
Czas czytania
8 godz. 0 min.
literatura młodzieżowa rodzeństwo
Średnia ocen

8,0 8,0 / 10

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Średnia ocen
8,0 / 10
4 ocen
Twoja ocena
0 / 10



Na półkach: , , , , , , , , , ,

Jeśli ktoś jest zainteresowany lekturą to na wattpadzie istnieje nieoficjalne polskie tłumaczenie:

Czytanie w oryginale może sprawić trochę trudności, bo autorka zrobiła dobry research w zakresie ubioru, architektury oraz wojska starożytnego świata. Czasem będzie trzeba poszukać konkretnego słówka, żeby zrozumieć o co chodzi ;) Dodatkowo Rebecca Ross ma bardzo bogaty, poetycki język, więc jestem wdzięczna, że miałam okazję trochę się doedukować, a przy okazji mieć przyjemność z czytania (pomimo szperania w słownikach).

W porównaniu z innymi książkami fantasy young adult czuć różnicę, ale gdyby książka była skierowana do starszego odbiorcy, byłaby jeszcze lepsza.

✨ klimat starożytnej Grecji z nowym panteonem bóstw
✨ motyw siostrzeństwa, rodziny
✨ motyw niepełnosprawności
✨ motyw winy i kary oraz przebaczenia
✨ motyw poświęcenia
✨ motyw magii


“Failure is never final unless you choose it to be,” Bacchus said. “Where there is life, hope can be found. Do not give up, Halcyon.”

Evadne thought of all the times she had been proud of her older sister, when Halcyon had won the mountain footraces and knocked vile boys to the ground with one punch. But they were eclipsed by this one moment, when her sister maintained her dignity and honor.

“You are brave, Eva,” Halcyon whispered. “Far braver than me. There is such steel within you, little sister.”

“You came into the world so quietly, so still that I thought the gods had already taken your breath. But then you reached out and held fast to my finger, and I thought that I would never let you go.

“You are your own self. No one owns your soul or your body or your fate. No one but you, Evadne.”
Evadne breathed in those words, let them twine with her blood and her bones, so she would never forget them.

(...) Perhaps you are the myth I seek.”

“All my life, I have wanted to be more than what I am. I wanted to be fast and strong, like my sister. I wanted magic, to have the ability to speak and sing charms to life. I wanted to be someone who made a mark on the world, even if it was a small one.”

If you find yourself to be strong, use that strength not just for yourself but for those around you. And if you find yourself to be smart, use that knowledge to uplift others

It would not be worth it, my father often said to us, to rise so high by standing on the backs of others. We must earn it in an honest way, and should we find our lives to be exalted one day, it would only be because we had served, respected our peers.

The scroll handles were gilded, and they caught the sunlight, as if they had just swallowed a secret.

Evadne could see his words building as a storm, as a mountain, something for their voices to climb.

And I will understand should you choose to remain here with your family. In fact, I want to beg you to stay, and yet I want to beg you to come, and I can hardly understand how you have inspired this in me, that I should desire two different things in the same breath.”

“Remember how we like to sing, Father? We sing all of the stanzas, or else the song hangs unfinished in the air. And so I must go now, to finish something I began. I must honor my word, as you have taught me to do.”

She held his stare. And she knew his wounds—she saw them as if he had lowered his shield, at last. She beheld them just as he beheld hers. Wounds they had inflicted upon the other—in fear, in anger, in vengeance, in pride. As if they carried these marks on their bodies, visible to the eye. This moment was raw and painful and glorious. A fiery lance to close the final wound.

She whispered, “The world will darken without you.”
Straton smiled. “And yet I am at peace, to know you will be its light.”

“My magic is gone, Evadne,” he said, mournful. Evadne drew back so she could look at him.
“Then we shall have to make our own.”

Jeśli ktoś jest zainteresowany lekturą to na wattpadzie istnieje nieoficjalne polskie tłumaczenie:

Czytanie w oryginale może sprawić trochę trudności, bo autorka zrobiła dobry research w zakresie ubioru, architektury oraz...

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  • Motyw siostrzeństwa, relacji między siostrami/przyjaciółkami
  • ANG
  • Fantasy


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