Free Speech Isn't Free: How 90 Men Stood Up Against The Globalist Establishment -- And Won

Okładka książki Free Speech Isn't Free: How 90 Men Stood Up Against The Globalist Establishment -- And Won
Roosh V Wydawnictwo: Kindle Edition biografia, autobiografia, pamiętnik
biografia, autobiografia, pamiętnik
Kindle Edition
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A deeply profound book on how intense experiences can broaden your mind. It is often said that war is the #1 source of progress. The book shows how it can accelerate your development in terms of understanding of the world and how it really works under the hood.

The plot is laid out at a good speed, the story well written. At times it is fascinating, at times horrifying, and above all grotesque - to have hundreds of people spying around the city to stop 30 men from having 90 minutes of honest talk. I was impressed by the press conference after the whole incident, I wish I could handle conferences that well.

I can relate to the book on a personal level, as I experienced being a target of coordinated attack as well. During my voluntary work at a society, I strongly objected to people taking or trying to take money from common cash, in an unlawful and unjustified manner (aka stealing) - which seemed a common practice among some - and suddenly I saw a different world. If I were surprised, it was because of the scale of the attack. It was not a big money, but nearly all official bodies (ie. ombudsman) seemed to have been involved, to a scale that is hard to believe for people, who do not have this kind of experience.

Having said that, some theories in the book seem far-fetched to me, but then I suddenly realize it’s exactly how the things I experienced in a small society seem to people who never did such work. And it makes me think, because Roosh has really been there, took the beating and resisted - to tell the story. Definitely recommended.

A deeply profound book on how intense experiences can broaden your mind. It is often said that war is the #1 source of progress. The book shows how it can accelerate your development in terms of understanding of the world and how it really works under the hood.

The plot is laid out at a good speed, the story well written. At times it is fascinating, at times horrifying,...

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