
Okładka książki Hood M. C. Frank
Okładka książki Hood
M. C. Frank Wydawnictwo: Amazon Digital Services powieść historyczna
88 str. 1 godz. 28 min.
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Amazon Digital Services
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1 godz. 28 min.
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8,0 8,0 / 10

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Średnia ocen
8,0 / 10
2 ocen
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0 / 10



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Have you ever wondered where the alias Robin Hood came from? M.C. Frank has the answer for you, in her ‘Hood’ novella, which belongs to The Outlaws series. The first installment - ‘Everything I Do’, breathed new life into the character of the famous thief and his merry companion, and in ‘Hood’ we get the chance to get to know them a little better.

This novella takes place a few months before the events in EID, but I think it’s better to read it after, when you’re already familiar with Frank’s versions of those beloved characters. For me it provided a better, deeper experience.

In ‘Hood’ we get to spend one day with Robin and his friends - no ordinary day, but a Christmas Eve. They go on a quest to do what they’re famous for - to help the poor, but the day turns out to be far more eventful than they expected, reminding Robin of painful events from his past.

Once again I was enchanted by Frank’s beautiful writing, perfectly adjusted to the time period she’s set her story in. But what I loved the most were the interactions between the Robin’s companion - they’re so close they seem to read each other’s minds, and together they work as one body, each part of which has its own role. Their situation is far from perfect, but still they like to laugh and tease each other, like a true family.

Another part I loved was Robin’s memories about a girl he loved. They're painful, but so beautiful and pure! Whenever M.C. Frank writes a romantic scene, I swoon and my eyes get teary from all the feels! As a believer, I also noticed a few gems in this story that warmed my heart.

'Hood' is a fast-paced, adventure-packed novella about friendship, fighting injustice, lost love, and about a legend being born. Robin Hood truly is a prince of thieves - he managed to steal my heart twice!

Have you ever wondered where the alias Robin Hood came from? M.C. Frank has the answer for you, in her ‘Hood’ novella, which belongs to The Outlaws series. The first installment - ‘Everything I Do’, breathed new life into the character of the famous thief and his merry companion, and in ‘Hood’ we get the chance to get to know them a little better.

This novella takes place...

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