Girl on a golden pillow

Okładka książki Girl on a golden pillow Hugo Woolley
Okładka książki Girl on a golden pillow
Hugo Woolley Wydawnictwo: SilverWood Books Cykl: The Charlotte's War Trilogy (tom 1) historia
320 str. 5 godz. 20 min.
The Charlotte's War Trilogy (tom 1)
Tytuł oryginału:
Girl on a golden pillow
SilverWood Books
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5 godz. 20 min.
The Book Network
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“(...) I will kill any man or beast who may threaten her. (...)”

Jost Krupp is one of the main characters in Hugo Woolley's latest novel titled "Girl on a golden pillow". We learn about his life from 1925, when he was 12 years old. He promised his father that he would take care of his mother while he was away. He killed a man in defence of his mother, Anna. Whether he did good or bad is unfortunately not for me to judge. How did his mother benefit from this? That's what you'll find out from this story.

 We also have MI6 staff here.

 I liked Fred's thinking. He has a difficult task ahead of him. Will he be able to handle it?
I didn't like Alice Barrett's behaviour. At first, I thought she was a shy young woman. Be careful with this character, because appearances can be deceiving. She terrified me with her actions.
Another main character is Franz-Joseph Deller. A young Austrian who is currently in France. He's a student. He works as a gardener in the house of Mr. and Mrs. Barrett. Unfortunately, the circumstances are not favourable to him. After some time, he accidentally became a spy. He collaborated with Adolf Hitler. How did he benefit from it? Was it worth it for him? I liked this character. I felt very sorry for him. He didn't want to take part in the war. Unfortunately, the author came up with a completely different scenario for him.
Another leading character is Charlotte. She didn't have it easy from the very beginning of her life. She was raised by her adoptive parents. Why? What happened to her biological parents? Who were they? I also liked this character. Despite the unfavourable circumstances, the girl coped quite well. Get to know her life story.
Wow. Picking up this e-book, I didn't expect to receive such an interesting novel. I met a lot of "famous" German beasts from World War II here. Thanks to this story, I moved into the time before and after the most cruel world war. I met nice characters and people who should have been six feet underground. Fast-paced action. The plot is terrifying at times. As for the ending, it pains me to admit that I expected something more. After such a story, I was counting on a spectacular ending. Unfortunately, I miscalculated. Maybe thanks to this ending, the author left the door open to writing the rest of the story. I'd love to read it. I'm curious about the fate of some of the characters in this book.
"Girl on golden pillow" is a very good war story. There are plenty of threads here intended only for adult readers.
It was my first encounter with the work of Hugo Woolley. I'd love to learn more about his next works. I absolutely need to know what happens next with Charlotte.
I read this story in one day. It is worth reading. A perfect novel for long autumn evenings. War is never easy or pleasant. How will our heroes cope in times of war?
I encourage you to read this story.
War stories are worth reading.

 I recommend.

“(...) I will kill any man or beast who may threaten her. (...)”

Jost Krupp is one of the main characters in Hugo Woolley's latest novel titled "Girl on a golden pillow". We learn about his life from 1925, when he was 12 years old. He promised his father that he would take care of his mother while he was away. He killed a man in defence of his mother, Anna. Whether he did...

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