Fly For Your Life: The Story of Spitfire & Hurricane Ace Robert Stanford Tuck

Okładka książki Fly For Your Life: The Story of Spitfire & Hurricane Ace Robert Stanford Tuck Larry Forrester
Okładka książki Fly For Your Life: The Story of Spitfire & Hurricane Ace Robert Stanford Tuck
Larry Forrester Wydawnictwo: Acquisition Analytics biografia, autobiografia, pamiętnik
378 str. 6 godz. 18 min.
biografia, autobiografia, pamiętnik
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Fly For Your Life: The Story of Spitfire & Hurricane Ace Robert Stanford TuckFly For Your Life: The Story of Spitfire & Hurricane Ace Robert Stanford Tuck
Acquisition Analytics
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Thank you The Book Network and Acquisition Analytics for the book "Fly for your life" by Larry Forrester and S.A. Steel.

Robert Stanford Tuck was the most experienced pilot and marksman. He was an extraordinary Spitfire Ace. He was one of the best fighter pilots of the British Air Force (RAF). Robert led the evacuation of Dunkirk and participated in the Battle of Britain. He must have been a great man. Thanks to the book Fly for your life, I learned that in 2022 there was only one fighter pilot alive - John Hemingway, who fought in the Battle of Britain from July to October 1940. The first edition of this book was in Great Britain in 1956. Original photographs appear in this 2022 issue. I'm glad I could read it. This book absorbed me completely. I love books related to the Second World War. The introduction and conclusion of this book were written by S.A. Steele. The rest, not counting the photos, was created by Larry Forrester. Thank you for sharing this unforgettable story. Did Great Britain have a chance to win the war against the great Luftwaffe? With Tuck at the helm, the impossible became possible. You can learn a lot from the legends about this hero. Some say he was carefree, reckless and always smiling. Others say Tuck was a flying fanatic, raw and psychopathically bloodthirsty. But what was he really like? You will find out by reading the book "Fly for your life". Was he injured during World War II? Reading how Tuck was in the war felt like I was in it too. I felt bullets fly past me. The enemy was very close. The author perfectly described all the missions of Robert Stanford Tuck. My biggest fear was for Tuck when his machine got caught in the crossfire. His friends who were flying next to him were also terrified. For a moment, my heart stopped. His words, "This time I'm really done for." brought tears to my eyes. I secretly hoped that he would survive this and not let himself be killed by the Germans. In his last seconds, he thought about his beloved Joyce. Brilliant book. It's worth it and you should read it. Get your tissues ready right away. I found out what Tuck's family looked like and what his childhood was like. From this book, you will even find out what his nickname was. I will tell you that it is very interesting. I was very curious how Tuck got into the British Air Force. Did you know that our hero started in the Navy? While reading this book, I was literally terrified at times. Reading how our hero bled out, tears flowed down my cheeks. I was secretly hoping he would make it out alive. The perfect book for anyone who loves history and World War II. What about Dunkirk? How did the fighters deal with the enemies? Tuck was devastated after the tragic death of his brother-in-law. Why? I was shocked to learn the reasons for his malaise. What is he hiding from his family? The end of the book made my heart stop for a moment. Our hero as a pilot never hated his enemy. Finally, I found information about what happened after the war to some of the people mentioned in this book. Are you curious about what the Battle of Britain really looked like? If you answered yes, then I refer you to the book "Fly for your life". It's worth reading. I am very pleased with it. I had shivers down my spine reading this book. If you are interested in history, World War II and aviation, you've come to the right place. You can't get bored with this book. A very exciting story.

Thank you The Book Network and Acquisition Analytics for the book "Fly for your life" by Larry Forrester and S.A. Steel.

Robert Stanford Tuck was the most experienced pilot and marksman. He was an extraordinary Spitfire Ace. He was one of the best fighter pilots of the British Air Force (RAF). Robert led the evacuation of Dunkirk and participated in the Battle of Britain....

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