Rob Chapman

Rob Chapman
5,5/10średnia ocena książek autora
2 przeczytało książki autora
12 chce przeczytać książki autora

Książki i czasopisma

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  • Książki
  • Czasopisma

Popularne cytaty autora

  • Another friend who wished to remain anonymous confirmed this. ‘I went round to his house one day and he said, “Listen to this,” and he playe...

    Another friend who wished to remain anonymous confirmed this. ‘I went round to his house one day and he said, “Listen to this,” and he played a tape and it was Syd and his girlfriend fucking. He said, “It was her idea.” Well, if you’re doing your music and your painting and you’ve got women like that you’ve got a pretty full bag before you start’.

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  • Anthony Stern remains convinced that the light show was the chief catalyst for the band’s change of direction. ‘The reason their music chang...

    Anthony Stern remains convinced that the light show was the chief catalyst for the band’s change of direction. ‘The reason their music changed into what it became is because that was the way to go with the light show, the mixture of light and music, painting with light and sound, and sound that becomes music. Which comes originally from the psychedelic experience, ’cos when you take acid, you may well have an experience where a sound heard will produce a flurry of images. It’s almost like you’ve had two hearts, two sensory systems in our brains are wired across to each other, someone had patched them through together so that when you see something, you hear something, when you hear something you see something’.

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