Lili Reinhart

Lili Reinhart
Pisze książki: poezja
Urodzona: 13.09.1996
5,8/10średnia ocena książek autora
174 przeczytało książki autora
89 chce przeczytać książki autora
2fanów autora
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Książki i czasopisma

  • Wszystkie
  • Książki
  • Czasopisma
Lekcje pływania
Lekcje pływania
Lili Reinhart
6,0 z 134 ocen
251 czytelników 44 opinie
Swimming Lessons: Poems
Swimming Lessons: Poems
Lili Reinhart
5,5 z 13 ocen
17 czytelników 2 opinie

Popularne cytaty autora

  • I’ve had days of loneliness where I barely spoke because I had no one to talk to. The sound of my own voice would surprise me, remind m...

    I’ve had days of loneliness where I barely spoke because I had no one to talk to. The sound of my own voice would surprise me, remind me, that I wasn’t a ghost floating through the city going unnoticed. I was there, just silently disconnected. The voice in my head becoming more familiar than any of the faces around me.

    2 osoby to lubią
  • Can you just be with me? Be content. Lay with me for a long while without getting bored or restless. Find a way to be present in our mom...

    Can you just be with me? Be content. Lay with me for a long while without getting bored or restless. Find a way to be present in our moments without a beautiful backdrop, without a landscape to distract you Can you just be with me? Say I love you in a moment that isn’t spectacular just because you want to, without letting a rare picturesque scene say it for you. Life doesn’t provide a perfect stage. You will be left longing for moments that were right in front of you because you couldn’t see how special something ordinary could be.

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