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Annabel Joseph
Pisze książki: literatura obyczajowa, romans
Annabel Joseph is a NYT and USA Today bestselling BDSM erotic romance author. She writes mainly contemporary romance, although she has been known to dabble in the medieval and Regency eras. She is recognized for writing emotionally intense BDSM storylines, and strives to create characters that seem real--even flawed--so readers are better able to relate to them.
Annabel publishes with Ellora's Cave and Loose Id in addition to her own imprint, Scarlet Rose Press. She also writes non-BDSM erotic romance under the name Molly Joseph. You can sign up to receive Annabel's newsletter here:
Some of Annabel's favorite authors are Laura Kinsale, Judith McNaught, Jo Beverley, Flannery O'Connor, Molly Weatherfield, and Anneke Jacob.
Annabel Joseph loves to hear from her readers at annabeljosephnovels(@)gmail.com
Annabel publishes with Ellora's Cave and Loose Id in addition to her own imprint, Scarlet Rose Press. She also writes non-BDSM erotic romance under the name Molly Joseph. You can sign up to receive Annabel's newsletter here:
Some of Annabel's favorite authors are Laura Kinsale, Judith McNaught, Jo Beverley, Flannery O'Connor, Molly Weatherfield, and Anneke Jacob.
Annabel Joseph loves to hear from her readers at annabeljosephnovels(@)gmail.com
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The Royal Wedding Night
Annabel Joseph
Cykl: Royal Discipline (tom 2)
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