The Rutland Connection

Okładka książki The Rutland Connection Michael Dane
Okładka książki The Rutland Connection
Michael Dane Wydawnictwo: The Book Guild Cykl: Frank McBride (tom 1) kryminał, sensacja, thriller
316 str. 5 godz. 16 min.
kryminał, sensacja, thriller
Frank McBride (tom 1)
Tytuł oryginału:
The Rutland Connection
The Book Guild
Data wydania:
Data 1. wydania:
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Czas czytania
5 godz. 16 min.
Średnia ocen

9,0 9,0 / 10

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Średnia ocen
9,0 / 10
1 ocen
Twoja ocena
0 / 10



Na półkach: , , , , , ,

Wow! Michael Dane created a perfect work in which he combined my two favourite literary genres: thriller and crime. His "The Rutland Connection" captivates the reader from the very beginning. I met several unique characters here, including:

-Joe Lake, 30 years old; an investigator for 6 years, was assigned to the drugs unit in Nottingham

- Frank McBride OBE, he is a legend. It is worth knowing he's history. His work does not impress everyone. Why?

- Michael Butcher and his grandfather are characters that really annoyed me. His grandfather's combinations will shock many readers.

In the book "The Rutland Connection" I met other uniformed and stupid criminals. The fast-paced action and its twists and turns didn't let me leave this book. The ending made me have to read the next part. I forgot to mention that "The Rutland Connection" is the first book in the "Frank McBride" series. We have perfect crime plots here. We track down smugglers. We also meet the smugglers themselves and their bosses. Will they outsmart customs services and introduce illegal products to the market? Will smugglers fall into ambushes set by customs services? I am impressed by the actions carried out on both sides. The author refined each scene in detail. They are literally perfect. His work as an officer of the National Customs and Excise Investigation Service for over a decade had a significant impact on this story. It's worth getting to know it. Thriller plots kept me in suspense. If, like me, you love crime thrillers, go ahead and read this story. I refer you to "The Rutland Connection" and I am already looking forward to the second volume. I'm very curious to see what happens to Frank McBride in the next story. I secretly hope that soon there will be a lot of talk about this book.
Michael Dane's novels are worth reading.

Wow! Michael Dane created a perfect work in which he combined my two favourite literary genres: thriller and crime. His "The Rutland Connection" captivates the reader from the very beginning. I met several unique characters here, including:

-Joe Lake, 30 years old; an investigator for 6 years, was assigned to the drugs unit in Nottingham

- Frank McBride OBE, he is a...

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Michael Dane The Rutland Connection Zobacz więcej
Michael Dane The Rutland Connection Zobacz więcej
Michael Dane The Rutland Connection Zobacz więcej

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