
Bad Summer People

Okładka książki Bad Summer People Emma Rosenblum
Okładka książki Bad Summer People
Emma Rosenblum Wydawnictwo: Penguin Random House kryminał, sensacja, thriller
368 str. 6 godz. 8 min.
kryminał, sensacja, thriller
Tytuł oryginału:
Bad Summer People
Penguin Random House
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Czas czytania
6 godz. 8 min.
Średnia ocen

9,3 9,3 / 10

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Średnia ocen
9,3 / 10
3 ocen
Twoja ocena
0 / 10



Na półkach: , , , , ,

8-year-old Danny Leavitt first discovered the body. This was the first murder victim in Salcombe on the Island of Fire.
He couldn't wait to tell his friends about it. His parents were not happy that their son found the body. His father wanted to sue everyone and extort a large amount of damages.
The whole story promises to be interesting, and this was only the beginning. I was wondering who the victim was.
The first chapter, I met was Lauren Parker.
I found out about the scandal that happened at the school where her children study. I was horrified. Lauren dreams of summer. She would like to lie on the beach, read a book and forget about her problems. Like this character, I also dream of a warm summer. We have something in common. Together with Jason, they will raise two children: seven-year-old Arlo and five-year-old Amelia. Their children have a nanny from the Philippines, Silvia. Convenient parents. She takes care of their children for them. Is this a good solution? They bought a house in Salcombe on the Island of Fire in the Atlantic Ocean. They live there only in the summer. It must be fantastic to have your own holiday spot. I will envy them.
By reading the book "Bad Summer People" you will learn the history of the town of Salcombe. Interesting information. I thank the author for that.
Another character is Robert Heyworth.
He has always been interested in tennis.
By reading this book, you will find out what his life was like. You will also find out how it happened that he found himself in the town of Salcombe on the Island of Fire.
Another character is Rachel Woolf. She is forty-two years old. Rachel can't get her life together. She loves to have fun. She is single and childless. Is she satisfied with her life? Judge for yourself as you read this novel. She has a flat in Manhattan and a house on Fire Island in the town of Salcombe. This character loves tennis. Robert became her trainer.
He caught her eye. Will something spark between them? I didn't like this character.
There's something about her that repels me. The author has described this character very well.
Another hero is a young bartender from Salcombe, Micah Holt. He sees and hears more than anyone realizes. He loves to learn the secrets of others. Micah is homosexual.
Another character is Jason Parker. He is Lauren's husband. He hates his best friend Sam. Why? I didn't like this character. A slippery guy. He regularly cheats on his wife. Did he ever love her?
You will find the answer to that question in this book.
Another character Silvia Mabini. She is fifty-two years old. She is the nanny of the Parker children. Silvia sees more than she says.
Another character is Beth Ledbetter.
She feels like a victim. She knows that no one likes her because of Rachel.
Is she right? She plans revenge on Lauren.
Why? This is an interesting thread.
Another character Sam Weinstein. We meet him in a rather awkward situation for him. Is he another bad person from the Island of Fire? He is Jen's husband.
It's worth taking a closer look at this character. He is Jason's best friend.
While reading this book, I had the impression that every character is evil and has a lot behind his ears.
Another character Paul Grobel.
Paul worked in music, at Atlantic Records, in marketing. He loves Emily madly. Is he a snob like the other heroes? He and his rich wife will raise two children: four-year-old Hayden and six-year-old Dash.
Jen Weinstein is another character.
She is a total fraud. She's had it since she was little. I don't like this character because she's very toxic. You won't want to meet her. She and her husband Sam have three children.
This book is the perfect script for a Netflix series. We have a lot of characters here that both like and hate each other.
There are quarrels and have misunderstandings between them.
They are all connected by the Island of Fire and the small town of Salcombe. Our characters have homes there, to which they come to every summer.
They spend their entire holiday here.
A nice escape from everyday life.
I read the book "Bad Summer People" very quickly.
It drew me in from the very beginning.
Even with so many characters, I didn't get lost in this book. I am very pleased with it. I would love to come back to this book at some point.
I invite you to meet all members of the Yacht Club.

8-year-old Danny Leavitt first discovered the body. This was the first murder victim in Salcombe on the Island of Fire.
He couldn't wait to tell his friends about it. His parents were not happy that their son found the body. His father wanted to sue everyone and extort a large amount of damages.
The whole story promises to be interesting, and this was only the beginning. I...

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  • Chcę przeczytać
  • Przeczytane
  • Kryminał, thriller
  • Ebook
  • 2023
  • NetGalley 2023
  • Ulubione
  • Idealna na prezent


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