
The Sleepwalker

Okładka książki The Sleepwalker Laura George
Okładka książki The Sleepwalker
Laura George Wydawnictwo: Inkubator Books kryminał, sensacja, thriller
kryminał, sensacja, thriller
Tytuł oryginału:
The Sleepwalker
Inkubator Books
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Netgalley Thesleepwalker
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Średnia ocen
10,0 / 10
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0 / 10



Na półkach: , , , , , ,

I'll start with the prologue.
It shoved me into the seat.
I was horrified when I read the prologue.
A three-month-old baby is missing.
Dad crying.
Unfortunately, my mother was dead.
What happened in this family?
The prologue sounds terrible.
And this is just the beginning...

Tessa is married to Samuel (Sam).
After a miscarriage, she wanted to get pregnant again quickly.
She got paranoid as soon as her period came.
When she became pregnant after some time, she was delighted.
She was happy with the birth of her daughter.
On the other hand, her body was exhausted.
I suspected she had post-partum depression.
The storm of hormones plus irregular sleep give such effects.
It is known that newborns give their parents a hard time in the first weeks of their lives.

We meet Samuel at the worst moment of his life.
He woke up.
His dead wife laying in bed.
His three-month-old daughter has disappeared.
What happened to them?
We learn that Sam suffers from a terrible disease called parasomnia.
This is a group of many different sleep disorders relating to abnormal or undesirable behaviour during sleep.
Parasomnias include night terrors, nightmares, sleepwalking, sleep talking or night paralysis.
Could it be that he killed his wife and took his own daughter away?
Will a hypnotherapist help with this?
Where has baby Cory gone?

You will also meet Linda.
She used to be Sam's girlfriend.
She is a manipulative and mentally ill woman.
She will not back down from anything.
She did everything to make Sam turn his back on his sister Claire.
Not only that, she did everything to cut him off from his friends.
They quarrelled very often.
How did Sam and Linda break up?
I didn't like Linda.
She is a very toxic person.
What happened to her?

I was very scared while reading this book.
I felt sorry for the main character.
I had some suspicions about the culprit.
I knew who the killer was.
I was 99.9% sure who the kidnapper was.
Were my suspicions correct?
You will find out by reading this novel.
It's worth reading.
It draws you in from the first moment.
It grabs you in its claws and doesn't want to let go.
An interesting plot, good action and extraordinary characters make this book flow.
I am shocked after reading it.
A very interesting psychological thriller with a surprising finale.
The perfect story for all thriller lovers.
Do you dare to read it?
Watch as Sam gets to the truth.
Will the truth set him free?
Or would the truth to him further and send him to hell?
I encourage you to read this book.
The author portrayed her characters perfectly.
She described the problems they were struggling with perfectly.
If you have problems, don't be afraid to talk about them.

I'll start with the prologue.
It shoved me into the seat.
I was horrified when I read the prologue.
A three-month-old baby is missing.
Dad crying.
Unfortunately, my mother was dead.
What happened in this family?
The prologue sounds terrible.
And this is just the beginning...

Tessa is married to Samuel (Sam).
After a miscarriage, she wanted to get pregnant again...

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  • Ebook
  • Chcę przeczytać
  • Idealna na prezent
  • Ulubione
  • 2023
  • NetGalley 2023
  • Przeczytane
  • Recenzencka


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