Disney Manga: Tangled

Okładka książki Disney Manga: Tangled Shiori Kanaki
Okładka książki Disney Manga: Tangled
Shiori Kanaki Wydawnictwo: Tokyopop komiksy
176 str. 2 godz. 56 min.
Tytuł oryginału:
Disney Manga: Tangled
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Czas czytania
2 godz. 56 min.
Średnia ocen

7,0 7,0 / 10

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0 / 10



Na półkach: ,

“Tangled” is my favourite Disney movie and I love everything connected to Rapunzel. So when I found out that I can read and review the Tangled manga on NetGalley, I was over the moon!

I was immediately enchanted by Shiori Kanaki’s drawing style. All the characters were recognizable, but at the same time they all had those features typical for manga, like big eyes and great facial expressions. The author did a wonderful job with Rapunzel - her face, her hair, her dress, somehow managing to make her even more adorable than in the movie. Every page was like a mini-masterpiece. Between the chapters we can find ultra-cute illustrations of Rapunzel and Flynn, drawn in chibi style, which I always loved.

I think everyone knows the story of Rapunzel and her magical golden hair, so there’s no need to write anything about the plot. The manga follows the original storyline from the movie, so you won’t find any unexpected plot twist there. The writing is very simple, so I assume this manga is targeted to children, and even the little ones shouldn’t have any problems with understanding it.

It was a really cute, fun and fast read, with beautiful illustrations. I definitely want to have a physical copy of this manga on my shelf.

“Tangled” is my favourite Disney movie and I love everything connected to Rapunzel. So when I found out that I can read and review the Tangled manga on NetGalley, I was over the moon!

I was immediately enchanted by Shiori Kanaki’s drawing style. All the characters were recognizable, but at the same time they all had those features typical for manga, like big eyes and...

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