Mori Ōgai

Mori Ōgai
Źródło: Wikipedia
Znany jako: Rintarō Mori
Pisze książki: literatura piękna
Urodzony: 17.02.1862Zmarły: 09.07.1922
5,7/10średnia ocena książek autora
5 przeczytało książki autora
2 chce przeczytać książki autora

Książki i czasopisma

  • Wszystkie
  • Książki
  • Czasopisma
Vita Sexualis
Vita Sexualis
Mori Ōgai
5,7 z 3 ocen
7 czytelników 0 opinii

Popularne cytaty autora

  • That was because in those days there hadn't yet been any of the socalled "criticism," which was so hard intellectually and emotionally that ...

    That was because in those days there hadn't yet been any of the socalled "criticism," which was so hard intellectually and emotionally that it denied any creative writer his due and which could not even justify its own existence.

    osób to lubi
  • However, he wondered why, as long as the author was being so clever, he had not pushed his theory a bit further and maintained that every in...

    However, he wondered why, as long as the author was being so clever, he had not pushed his theory a bit further and maintained that every incident in life is a manifestation of sexual desire.

    osób to lubi
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