Sean Hogan

Sean Hogan
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Książki i czasopisma

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In Harm's Way
In Harm's Way
Sean Hogan, Michael Cameron
7,0 z 1 ocen
6 czytelników 1 opinia

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  • There was no love in the Artane, and not much more in St John Of God’s, though at least there was kindness there. In the Artane, I was littl...

    There was no love in the Artane, and not much more in St John Of God’s, though at least there was kindness there. In the Artane, I was little more than a slave – beaten, starved, abused sexually, physically and mentally – I didn’t have birthdays or Christmases and I was locked away from the world.

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  • If I hadn’t met Mary I would have had nothing, no future, no hope. I owe Mary everything. This book is because of her, and it is dedicated t...

    If I hadn’t met Mary I would have had nothing, no future, no hope. I owe Mary everything. This book is because of her, and it is dedicated to her. It is her book, because without her, it would never have been written – she knew we had to tell the story. She wanted people to know what kids like me went through and we wanted people to know that only forty years ago there was a place where kids, the most vulnerable, innocent creatures of all, were ignored, abused and locked away – and this in a Christian country and in the name of the Catholic Church. So this book is also for them.

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