Lena Derhally

Lena Derhally
Pisze książki: reportaż
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Książki i czasopisma

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My Daddy Is a Hero: How Chris Watts Went from Family Man to Family Killer
My Daddy Is a Hero: How Chris Watts Went from Family Man to Family Killer
Lena Derhally
7,5 z 2 ocen
5 czytelników 1 opinia

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  • [...] Shanann locked the door behind her and used a security system to keep evil away from her and her family. She had no idea that the evil...

    [...] Shanann locked the door behind her and used a security system to keep evil away from her and her family. She had no idea that the evil she needed to protect themselves from was the person she trusted the most.

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  • [...] Pathological narcissism, or Triple E, as I call it : Exploitation - Doing whatever it takes to feel special, regardless of the cost t...

    [...] Pathological narcissism, or Triple E, as I call it : Exploitation - Doing whatever it takes to feel special, regardless of the cost to those around them Entitlement - Acting as the world owes them and should bend to their will Empathy Impairments - Becoming so fixated on the need to feel special that other people’s feelings cease to matter. At this end of the spectrum, we find narcissistic personality disorder.

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