The Wilderness Retreat

Okładka książki The Wilderness Retreat Jennifer Moore
Okładka książki The Wilderness Retreat
Jennifer Moore Wydawnictwo: HQ Digital kryminał, sensacja, thriller
352 str. 5 godz. 52 min.
kryminał, sensacja, thriller
Tytuł oryginału:
The Wilderness Retreat
HQ Digital
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Czas czytania
5 godz. 52 min.
#netgalley #thewildernessretreat
Średnia ocen

9,5 9,5 / 10

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Średnia ocen
9,5 / 10
2 ocen
Twoja ocena
0 / 10



Na półkach: , , , , ,

This book is an unforgettable carousel of emotions. To all this, you can add unforgettable twists and turns. The interesting plot does not let you forget about yourself. The perfect psychological thriller. The further I got into this story, the more I was convinced I was going crazy. What has the author done to me?
I don't regret the late night. I'm still in shock, and I didn't expect such an ending.
The main character is flying to a week-long relaxation camp in Sweden. Her 18-year-old son is just starting college. She can't contact him because she had to give up her phone for a week. I understand the suffering of a mother who has no news from her child. There is a group of people at this camp. Each of them are hiding something. Our heroine Bella is in shock. Someone slipped a note into her room saying "I KNOW WHAT YOU DID". On top of all this, she hears strange noises. I was terrified. I was worried about Bella. Is she in danger?
An interestingly constructed thriller. There is something to be afraid of. Taking "The wilderness retreat" in my hand, I couldn't stop reading. I definitely need to know other works by Jennifer Moore.
Finally, I'll leave you with a question: will the mother ever see her son again?
Plus, nothing is what it seems.

This book is an unforgettable carousel of emotions. To all this, you can add unforgettable twists and turns. The interesting plot does not let you forget about yourself. The perfect psychological thriller. The further I got into this story, the more I was convinced I was going crazy. What has the author done to me?
I don't regret the late night. I'm still in shock, and I...

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  • 2023
  • NetGalley 2023
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