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Christina McKenna
Pisze książki: biografia, autobiografia, pamiętnik
Urodzona: 01.01.1957
Christina McKenna is an author who was born and grew up in Draperstown, County Londonderry, Northern Ireland. McKenna attended the Belfast College of Art where she obtained an honours degree in Fine Art and studied postgraduate English at the University of Ulster. In 1986, she left Northern Ireland and spent ten years teaching both these subjects in Madrid, Istanbul, and Milan.
McKenna was, at the same time, pursuing a successful career as a painter. She mounted several exhibitions of her work, both as a solo artist and in group context when abroad, but also on her return to Northern Ireland.
McKenna was, at the same time, pursuing a successful career as a painter. She mounted several exhibitions of her work, both as a solo artist and in group context when abroad, but also on her return to Northern Ireland.
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