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Note to Self

Okładka książki Note to Self
Connor Franta Wydawnictwo: Simon & Schuster biografia, autobiografia, pamiętnik
224 str. 3 godz. 44 min.
biografia, autobiografia, pamiętnik
Simon & Schuster
Data wydania:
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Czas czytania
3 godz. 44 min.
Średnia ocen

                8,0 8,0 / 10

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Średnia ocen
8,0 / 10
9 ocen
Twoja ocena
0 / 10



Na półkach: ,

Picked it up out of boredom and curiosity but stayed for longer, engrossed in each one of the stories, essays, poems. So simple yet so exceedingly accurate. Perhaps not life changing, revolutionary but for sure inspiring and, without a doubt, something people can seek comfort in, something that one can easily relate to. While I was reading it, I felt like someone very introspective decided to share their inner, hidden thoughts with the wider audience and it somehow felt kind of cathartic (like it did for the author) regarding the relativeness that came with it. Through the whole book we witness the process of the author unleashing out of his facade so called an external, outer "persona" and basically showing his bare, not colorized, raw thoughts and self-realisation that comes with it. The rough depiction of reality - that's the thing I got really immersed in.

The path that leads to happiness in not always easy, sometimes laborious and even requiring of time-comsumption. But the book leaves us with some advices how to approch those trials of getting there. After all, it may not be that frightening.

"Note to Self" is an interior dialogue filled with intimate reflections and if I were to describe it with only one word, I would describe it with the word 'soothing' because, as cliché as it may sound, reading it surely felt very soothening.

Picked it up out of boredom and curiosity but stayed for longer, engrossed in each one of the stories, essays, poems. So simple yet so exceedingly accurate. Perhaps not life changing, revolutionary but for sure inspiring and, without a doubt, something people can seek comfort in, something that one can easily relate to. While I was reading it, I felt like someone very...

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